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Synergy 1.7.4 released

Nick Bolton

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@Esther Singer, there's no description of a problem here and I didn't see any attachment. I'd love to help but there's no info at all except that it has something to do with updating. Note: this forum is for support of Synergy Basic, and with that level of membership there aren't any features which are added by running the wizard and downloading plugins. So, an option is just to not run the update since it primarily adds functionality for Synergy Pro users. If you are indeed a Synergy Pro user, you have other support options (when logged into Synergy site, look under "Support" in your "My account" page). [quote="Esther Singer"]wont bore you with detals. pls see full text in attachment[/quote]
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@Michael Kinens, do you have a Basic or Pro membership? Referring to "download" are you talking about getting the program, or running the setup wizard which downloads plugins? Note: (also, @Allen, @Luke Jernejcic, @Gary Butler, @Aled Treharne, @eric john nagel, @Andy Hall) this forum is for support of Synergy Basic, and with that level of membership there aren't any features which are added by running the wizard and downloading plugins. Basic does not include SSL functionality, so if you are trying to use the included SSL then either you are trying to use a feature which your subscription doesn't provide or you're in the wrong place to get support. For Basic users having trouble with the wizard's activation process, an option is to just not run the update since it primarily adds functionality for Synergy Pro users. If you are indeed a Synergy Pro user, you have other support options (when logged into Synergy site, look under "Support" in your "My account" page). [quote="Michael Kinens"] Same issue - was able to successfully download on my laptop utilising mobile broadband however this isnt an option on the office desktop.[/quote]
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[quote="Andy Hall"]The mouse pointer did not display and therefore I could not move to the password entry box. I had to reboot. This never happened on the pre-releases.[/quote] @Andy Hall, has this happened consistently? I'd like to write up a bug report if it is an issue with Synergy, so if this is still happening I hope you can provide info about: - any custom mouse settings on either system - any non-default Synergy settings - Synergy debug log for the time when system was awakened [quote="Andy Hall"]I brought up the client GUI again and the "Start" button still displayed.[/quote] Had you at some point canceled the Settings dialog? This is an ongoing issue with Synergy: https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4836 [quote="Andy Hall"]I have to navigate around in yet some magic sequence of clicks to get a "post a reply" button to display.[/quote] This isn't enough description for problem-solving. Would you mind describing the exact steps you use, and all instances where you think something should happen differently? I'm not currently having any trouble with forum replies. Maybe when the reply button is missing, the page does not see you as logged in (you have logged in at another browser window/tab but not refreshed the page, or are just not logged in)?
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[quote="Allen"]I downloaded and installed 1.74. I attempted to post on the blog site where the announcement was made, but was apprehended by a Wordpress password request which stopped me -- and there was no link back to this forum , but I found my way here and can post. With 1.74, Installation still took me hours because SSL does not work for me and I repeatedly failed until I turned SSL off. I have no idea why. The installation and configuration process is somewhat mysterious and unexplained and he messages scrolling in the log are marginally useful to me. When I turn SSL off, Synergy works fine. [/quote] I saw similar problems, with a message "ERROR: failed to verify server certificate fingerprint" I could not get the client to ask to accept the fingerprint, until I changed the log level to DEBUG1 out of aimless desperation. Only then did Synergy ask me to accept the cert, and I found I could return the log level to "warning" state. HTH.
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[quote="Mark Richter"]A couple of weeks ago I figured out how to turn off encryption and all is well on this front. Thanks.[/quote] I think I have the same problem. When I have SSL encryption turned on, everything fails. My clients connect to the server, but as soon as the I try to move my mouse off the server synergy crashes on the client side. I'd really prefer to have encryption running.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Alexander Monty
[quote="Kay Zenner"]I have a 4k-Display on my main-system and a full-hd display on my notebook. this combination is not working. the server says: mouse is leaving the main-screen and is on notebook-screen, but I cannot see a mouse pointer. Keyboard is not working at all. This is on Windows 10 (64bit) Thanks for your good work.[/quote] A similar situation Configuration Win 10 server running Synergy 1.7.4 Win 8.1 client using same Synergy; client has high resolution screen obliging me to use large text size (250%) Problem: once PCs sync, mouse disappears on client screen and stays there, cannot get control of server back unless I kill synergy with task manager on client side using local mouse. I've tried suggestion to change properties of synergy.exe (Click the checkbox for "Deactivate scaling for high DPI value") but no change. I can't use standard 100% text size because letters are the size of fly droppings. I can't use synergy any more. any suggestions would be welcome
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  • 2 weeks later...
Almost same issue with Windows 10 server and Windows 7 client. I don't need to re-start synergy, ctl-alt-del alone restores the mouse pointer to the server. When the mouse pointer is "on" the client I _can_ use the keyboard but I _cannot_ see the pointer. I think that the mouse control is there, I just can't see where the mouse is pointing. Any help would be appreciated.
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Robbert van Herksen
[quote="Nick Bolton"]The next version of Synergy is here! » [url=http://synergy-project.org/download/]Download Synergy v1.7.4-stable[/url] Here's the bug fixes... [list] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4721]#4721[/url] - High CPU usage for Windows service[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4750]#4750[/url] - SSL connect error 'passive ssl error limit'[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4584]#4584[/url] - Drag and drop with SSL causes crash[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4749]#4749[/url] - Clipboard thread race condition causes assertion failure[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4720]#4720[/url] - Plugin download shows 'Could not get Linux package type' error[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4712]#4712[/url] - Unable to send clipboard with size above 1KB when using SSL[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4642]#4642[/url] - Connecting causes SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO error[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4690]#4690[/url] - Log line 'activeDesktop' does not use logging system[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4866]#4866[/url] - Wrong ns plugin version can be loaded[/*:m][/list:u] We also made some improvements... [list] [*]Enhancement [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4901]#4901[/url] - Auto restart when running from GUI in desktop mode[/*:m] [*]Enhancement [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4845]#4845[/url] - Add timestamp to log output[/*:m] [*]Enhancement [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4898]#4898[/url] - Move version stage name to build config[/*:m][/list:u] Thanks for using Synergy, enjoy the release![/quote] Hi Running Synergy for the first time since yesterday (v 1.75) Installing went OK, but I noticed that when I close my Macs, and start them up the next day, Synergy doesn't start up by itself. After manually starting up Synergy, it runs like a charm. Isn't there an autostart feature in Synergy? (or should I manually ad Synergy to the Mac OS System Preference ('Login Items'). Did I miss something?? Cheers, great product!!!! Happy user Robbert Soesterberg, NL
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