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Synergy 1.7.4 released

Nick Bolton

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  • Synergy Team
The next version of Synergy is here! » [url=http://synergy-project.org/download/]Download Synergy v1.7.4-stable[/url] Here's the bug fixes... [list] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4721]#4721[/url] - High CPU usage for Windows service[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4750]#4750[/url] - SSL connect error 'passive ssl error limit'[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4584]#4584[/url] - Drag and drop with SSL causes crash[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4749]#4749[/url] - Clipboard thread race condition causes assertion failure[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4720]#4720[/url] - Plugin download shows 'Could not get Linux package type' error[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4712]#4712[/url] - Unable to send clipboard with size above 1KB when using SSL[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4642]#4642[/url] - Connecting causes SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO error[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4690]#4690[/url] - Log line 'activeDesktop' does not use logging system[/*:m] [*]Bug [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4866]#4866[/url] - Wrong ns plugin version can be loaded[/*:m][/list:u] We also made some improvements... [list] [*]Enhancement [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4901]#4901[/url] - Auto restart when running from GUI in desktop mode[/*:m] [*]Enhancement [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4845]#4845[/url] - Add timestamp to log output[/*:m] [*]Enhancement [url=https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4898]#4898[/url] - Move version stage name to build config[/*:m][/list:u] Thanks for using Synergy, enjoy the release!
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I have a 4k-Display on my main-system and a full-hd display on my notebook. this combination is not working. the server says: mouse is leaving the main-screen and is on notebook-screen, but I cannot see a mouse pointer. Keyboard is not working at all. This is on Windows 10 (64bit) Thanks for your good work.
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I downloaded and installed 1.74. I attempted to post on the blog site where the announcement was made, but was apprehended by a Wordpress password request which stopped me -- and there was no link back to this forum , but I found my way here and can post. With 1.74, Installation still took me hours because SSL does not work for me and I repeatedly failed until I turned SSL off. I have no idea why. The installation and configuration process is somewhat mysterious and unexplained and he messages scrolling in the log are marginally useful to me. When I turn SSL off, Synergy works fine. For that matter, I don’t even know why I would want or need SSL. Is this explained somewhere? Also, somehow, it seems multiple copies of Synergy might be running when the GUI is opened repeatedly because in my mucking around, I sometimes see the message that a synergy-related dll is in use by another process. Why do we not have an icon in the system tray any more? That was really handy. At least the excessive processor use has gone away and the plugin now downloads and Synergy is working. Thanks. Windows 7 - 64 bit, Windows 7 - 64 bit,, and Windows 7 32bit.
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Luke Jernejcic
SSL still doesn't work for me (didn't work in 1.7.3 either). I had to downgrade again to 1.7.2 in order to get SSL support. Here's the error: [code][2015-08-12T12:29:46] WARNING: failed to accept secure socket[/code]
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Aled Treharne
I'd had SSL disabled from 1.7.3, but it got re-enabled when I installed 1.7.4, however I'm also seeing the following error on the (Windows 7) client: [quote][2015-08-14T10:24:14] ERROR: failed to verify server certificate fingerprint[/quote] No amount of changing SSL settings fixed this, disabling SSL works around it for now.
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eric john nagel
Just re-installed with server on Fedora 23. get the following....WARNING: cannot listen for clients: cannot bind address: Address already in use Switched server to W8 machine and made the Fedora 23 machine client, working now that I took them off SSL
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I upgraded from a pre-release to 1.7.4-stable on my pair of Win 7 PRO 64-bit machines. I was running in non-SSL prior to the upgrade. Synergy came up smoothly in non-SSL mode which I expected as that had been the experience with upgrading from one pre-release to another. Thinking that SSL might actually have been fixed and I should test it, I enabled it on both the server and client. Sadly, the problems I reported on the pre-releases still exist and are similar to those reported by Allen above. I encountered a new and possibly obscure problem. The very first screen shot I took on the client and pasted into an e-mail on the server, came across flipped on the vertical axis. I fixed that by pasting it into a Word document on the client an copying and pasting that. Subsequent attempts to take screen shots on the client and paste on the server have been OK. So far I have been unable to reproduce the problem. It may require a reboot of the client and server, which I don't anticipate doing for a while. (The client machine has a VM running which I need to keep on the air for a while.)
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I installed the synergy-v1.7.4-stable version on a Win 7 box (Synergy Server) and on 2 clients, Win 8 and Mac with OSX 10.9.5. I am still experiencing crashes on the server as with previous 1.7.4 releases. I have to reboot my machine when this happens as it does not recover from the crash. Any suggestions. I now have synergy logging enabled so will be able to provide this log when this occurs again. Event Log: Faulting application name: synergys.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x55c53ad1 Faulting module name: synergys.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x55c53ad1 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x000000000005ecae Faulting process id: 0x2b10 Faulting application start time: 0x01d0d79aa8376b81 Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Synergy\synergys.exe Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\Synergy\synergys.exe Report Id: 739bf29e-44ec-11e5-9cbb-f9e0456878a5
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Here are two more potential bugs with 1.7.4 1. Over night my Win 7 Pro 64-bit machine went into power saving mode. When I brought it back to life by hitting a key or moving the mouse, I don't remember which, The mouse pointer did not display and therefore I could not move to the password entry box. I had to reboot. This never happened on the pre-releases. 2. While the server was rebooting, I manually switched the keyboard and mouse to the client side (via a KVM switch and brought up the Synergy GUI to see what was happening. The GUI had the "Start" button displayed, but as soon as the server came alive, Synergy started working. Which indicated to me that the client side was actually working! To make sure, once every thing was working satisfactorily, I brought up the client GUI again and the "Start" button still displayed. I will monitor #1 above to see if it is just a fluke or repeatable. PS. (1) I wish it was possible to edit these posts so that subsequent findings could be added. (2) Why when I login to this site am I prevented from posting replies to this forum. I have to navigate around in yet some magic sequence of clicks to get a "post a reply" button to display.
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Michael Kinens
[quote="Gary Butler"]Tried to install it yesterday but hangs on the ns plugin download.[/quote] Same issue - was able to successfully download on my laptop utilising mobile broadband however this isnt an option on the office desktop.
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Esther Singer
UUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!! whenever I update it just doesnt go smoothly!!! wont bore you with detals. pls see full text in attachment
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Scott Boutwell
Yeah SSL still broking between my 2 Windows 7 units. One Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows 7 Pro. Both are 32 Bit boxes. I'm not even testing it yet between my Windows 10 and Mac OS X 10.10 units till the SSL get's figured out how to get it working. On the Server side when I did the install. AVAST (Virus Protection) complained/sandboxed the PLUGIN but I told it to allow it. On the Client side ZERO of that. Not sure if that make any difference.
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Gregory Gillette
I upgraded my clients and server from 1.7.3 to 1.7.4 and on my server (Win 7 Pro x64, with Synergy 1.7.4 x64) after about 30 seconds of being logged into windows Synergy crashes, and the keyboard and mouse become extremely slow / nearly unresponsive (if I press the Start key on my keyboard, it takes about 10 seconds to come up). I have to do a hard power down. I went into safe mode and disabled the Synergy service for now. I was able to copy/paste the app crash window by ssslloooowwwwlllyyyy moving the mouse, and patiently copy/pasting it into a txt file: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: synergys.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 55c53ad1 Fault Module Name: LIBEAY32.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 550d736a Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 000000000009e3c3 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 442b Additional Information 2: 442b2fbb7767c47a5a6669e5cf588b36 Additional Information 3: 39c8 Additional Information 4: 39c88b78dbbe535f2ac40ac42b2352b5
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Mark Richter
As with 1.72 and 1.73, I installed 1.74 on my Xubuntu server and my Windows 7 client and I get nothing but errors. I made the mistake of erasing my 1.73 installations, which were working, and now I don't even remember how to turn off the SSL, which appears to be what is screwing this release up. Just once I'd like to see an upgrade that doesn't break everything. So what diagnostics do I need to get this resolved? :cry:
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Mark Richter
I remembered. This still really make me wonder what's so wrong with the SSL implementation that it never works.... :roll:
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Javier Archila
I don't understand why whoever upgrade this software, ruins everything on it, It was just fine, now nothing works, I'm not going to post any technical info, just because if the developers know what are they doing we the users shouldn't have any problems, I just can say, I will not recommend this to NO BODY, its horrible. Just plain horrible.
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1.7.4 has been running fine for me on Windows 10 (server) and OSX Yosemite (client) until yesterday. Now the client is losing connection with the server (win 10) every few seconds. MS pushed an updates to Windows 10 a few days ago -- not sure if that has anything to do with this. Is anyone else experiencing similar behavior?
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Disappointed. I've been using synergy for a very long time. If I had to put a year to it - might be something like 2008 but I think I'm being conservative. I've tried to be patient - really. I [b][u]was[/u][/b] excited to read the post about 1.7.4 fixing stuff - but I've installed it - tried it out. No longer excited and just plain disappointed. Back when I first started using Synergy - it just worked. Yes I had to manually setup an ssh tunnel - but it worked. Now it sucks (see below for a brief list what I define as "sucks") regardless of whether I try to deal with the the "inbuilt" security or establish my own ssh tunnel: [list] [*]Jittery[/*:m] [*]Unresponsive[/*:m] [*]Slow[/*:m] [*]Overall inconsistent mouse movement [/*:m] [*] Generally unusable[/*:m][/list:u] I'm going to try and scrounge around for some of the 7 or so year old builds. Way better than this new stuff.
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I see that there are several posts here about user technical problems but this is an "announcement" thread. If we start doing tech support here on each issue, the information will be mingled together and it will be confusing. I hope that anyone still having an issue will start a separate conversation in the appropriate part of the forum (Configuration, Connectivity...) with all the details needed for troubleshooting (such as debug log from Synergy and screenshot of a resource monitor's output if there is a performance problem...).
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@ACC, there had been an issue in 1.7.3 which affected system performance but AFAIK that was fixed for 1.7.4. Without more info, I don't know what to suggest. If you're using Synergy over WiFi, and WiFi throughput is slow, it can cause these issues. Also if you Synergy debug level is set to the highest settings, it will capture a lot more info but this also slows Synergy. There are some keyboard/mouse settings on Mac which can affect performance, but you don't mention what OS the server or client are using. The issues could probably be solved, with more info and a little bit of t-shooting. I hope you'll start a thread in "Configuration" in this forum with more info such as your OS(es), Synergy debug logs, and screen captures for some type of resource monitor program on each computer that shows per-program resource use. [quote="ACC"] [list] [*]Jittery[/*:m] [*]Unresponsive[/*:m] [*]Slow[/*:m] [*]Overall inconsistent mouse movement [/*:m] [*] Generally unusable[/*:m][/list:u][/quote]
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@Dave Tropeano I don't know of a Windows 10 update conflict with Synergy. If you'd like to t-shoot this, I hope you'll start a thread in the "Connectivity" section of this forum with enough details such as Synergy debug logs, whether you're using wired or wireless networking, any info about error messages or how you perceive the disconnection, any non-default Synergy settings, and the actions you are doing at the time of disconnect (or, whether you are doing nothing and still there is a disconnect). [quote="Dave Tropeano"]1.7.4 has been running fine for me on Windows 10 (server) and OSX Yosemite (client) until yesterday. Now the client is losing connection with the server (win 10) every few seconds. MS pushed an updates to Windows 10 a few days ago -- not sure if that has anything to do with this. Is anyone else experiencing similar behavior?[/quote]
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@Mark Richter, you can turn off encryption in Edit -> Settings -> Network Security. You mentioned errors, but didn't list any. If you want to pursue t-shooting, please start a thread in the "Configuration" section of this forum and give all the info needed to understand the problem such as Synergy debug logs, exact errors and when they occurred, any non-default settings, OS exact versions, etc. [quote="Mark Richter"]and now I don't even remember how to turn off the SSL, which appears to be what is screwing this release up.[/quote]
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@Gregory Gillette, it would be helpful to have the Synergy logs for the time when this happened. I hope you don't mind starting a thread in "Crashing" with more info such as Synergy debug log (on system which crashes and at time of crash), any non-default settings, etc. [quote="Gregory Gillette"]I upgraded my clients and server from 1.7.3 to 1.7.4 and on my server (Win 7 Pro x64, with Synergy 1.7.4 x64) after about 30 seconds of being logged into windows Synergy crashes,[/quote]
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@Scott Boutwell, is there an issue that is not with your AV? If so, I hope you'll start a thread in "Configuration" (or whatever forum section is appropriate to the issue) with all the details needed to understand the issue. You've mentioned that Avast reacted to the Synergy install, but I don't see any issue that we can solve. [quote="Scott Boutwell"]On the Server side when I did the install. AVAST (Virus Protection) complained/sandboxed the PLUGIN but I told it to allow it. On the Client side ZERO of that. Not sure if that make any difference.[/quote]
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