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unable to install


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when trying to install it tells me to close windows shell experience. i cant see it open in my task bar.

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Paul Suarez

What Windows OS version are you running? Is it 32 or 64 bit? Is it running regular builds or developer/beta builds?

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i just found the windows shell experience in the task bar and closed it but now it wont log my second computer to access

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Paul Suarez

I guess that does not answer my question @JoeNoIce. Please verify if you do have or don't have any third party firewall installed on your machines.

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Paul Suarez

Please provide more details about your machines (OS, 32/64 bit, Synergy version installed, connected to the network via Ethernet or Wi-Fi, specify which one is the server).

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the main rig and gpd pocket are currently on 1.9 the main one has ssl fingerprint the pocket does not have a print

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Paul Suarez

I guess this might not be on the right spot since you posted it in Synergy 2.0 Beta Feedback. By any chance, have you opted to have the early access for Synergy v2?

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i switched over to 2.0 and they dont connect

only the main computer connects. the pocket doesnt connect 

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Paul Suarez

Please try to uninstall and re-install v2 on your pocket machine. This might be due to installing it on top of the existing v1.x.

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i reinstalled it on the pocket and now on the main computer its only showing have a green loading bar

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Paul Suarez

Hi @JoeNoIce. Can you also try uninstalling it from your main computer and reboot it. After rebooting, re-install v2 and try if it still does the same thing.

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Paul Suarez

Please open an elevated command prompt on each device and run "ipconfig /all" command for both and send us the results. Thanks. :)

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