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Synergy is starting, High Sierra

Jon Olson

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Paul Suarez

Hi @Jon Olson. Please provide more details about your machines (OS, 32/64 bit, Synergy version installed, connected to the network via Ethernet or Wi-Fi, specify which one is the server). Also, post a screenshot of both machine's Synergy interface and the Server Configuration interface on your server machine.

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On the MAC (Client) where its stuck on starting synergy its macOS Sierra 10.12.6 Beta 

Server (PC) Windows 10 Pro 64Bit 


See attached



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Paul Suarez

For client machines, it'll be normal for them to be on "synergy is starting" state if they are still trying to connect. I noticed that the network which both machines are on is 172.26.x.x. Is that a work network? Is it through Ethernet or Wi-Fi?

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Yes its our Corp LAN, off the same switch on the same VLAN and able to ping.


This issue started when I upgraded to the latest version of synergy and macOS

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 That build works, synergy starts on the mac. I do notice after my PC goes to sleep I am unable to "click" on anything on my mac, I have to stop/start on the server (my PC) and then can click aroudn in the mac

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Paul Suarez

That is due to Mac's system not allowing Synergy to run after sleeping, hence re-connection doesn't take place. Do you have a lock screen when it boots back from sleep?

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Paul Suarez

Can you try elevating Synergy on your Windows machine?

  1. Click Edit
  2. Click Setting
  3. Set Elevate to Always
  4. Click OK
  5. Click Apply or Start
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Paul Suarez

Before your Windows machine goes to sleep, do you have Synergy opened (not necessarily be the active application/in-front)? or you have closed it by clicking the x button?

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Paul Suarez
On 6/21/2017 at 11:34 PM, Jon Olson said:



What is that icon on the left side of the minimize button for?

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Paul Suarez

Do you use Teamviewer Quick Connect to control other machines? or for others to control your machines?

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