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error: Failed dependencies: libdns_sd.so.1()(64bit) is neede

Sunil Sarin

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I am unable to install synergy on RHEL 6.3. Am I doing this right / what do I need to do? [ssarin@ssarinrhl ~/synergy]$ sudo rpm --install synergy-v1.7.5-stable-fa85a24-Linux-x86_64.rpm [sudo] password for ssarin: error: Failed dependencies: libdns_sd.so.1()(64bit) is needed by synergy-1.7.5-1.x86_64
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Richard Koper
I found out this is a library used for Apple Bonjour support(?!?) Just download the mDNSResponder-107.6-1.el4.x86_64.rpm package (I've downloaded it from rpm.pbone.net) and install it before you install Synergy 1.7.5. I've read some more info regarding this library & Bonjour. It seems Synergy uses Bonjour to handle network requests/discovery, which makes sense...
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