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Hash Key Mapping

Stuart Traynor

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Stuart Traynor
I've got a Mac (El Capitan) as the server and a Windows 7 machine as the client. I can't for the life of me work out how to set up a hotkey for alt + 3 to produce a # keystroke on the PC. Any suggestions?
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  • 2 months later...
I have something working for me. What I did was setup everything how I like it in the GUI, then when launching it, look for the line: [code]INFO: starting server INFO: config file: (path to config file)[/code] That file is an auto-generated classic synergy text config file, so I hunted that out, saved it somewhere handy and added the following line at the bottom of the options section: [code]keystroke(alt+3) = keystroke(\u0023)[/code] Don't use the '#' character, it breaks the config and send synergy into a loop. Hope that helps!
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