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Keystrokes don't work when Mac server in Target Display Mode

Ross Gibson

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I'm trying to use synergy between my iMac (Mac OS X 10.11) and my Surface Pro (Windows 10) with the iMac as the server and using the iMac's display as the monitor for my Surface Pro via Target Display. Everything works normally when Target Display is off on the iMac, but as soon as I turn Target Display on keystrokes no longer get sent to the Surface Pro, with the exception of the 'a' key. I tested this setup with ShareMouse and it seems to work without any issues, but I used Synergy back when it was just a command-line utility and wanted to support it. Has anyone else had experience with using Synergy with an iMac in Target Display mode?
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  • 5 weeks later...
I am having this exact same problem. The mouse works just fine, but the only key that the keyboard can send is 'a'. I hope there is a chance that support for Target Display Mode can be fixed. Since the mouse and 'a' works, chances are that the basic support is already there.
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  • 2 months later...
Hello, Is this the same issue? https://github.com/symless/synergy/issues/5223 My suggestion is to check the issues reported on github and if its there give a comment on the issue. https://github.com/symless/synergy/issu ... +is%3Aopen I have not got this issue from mac <-> win <-> win So it might be related to some other issue that have been reported already?
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