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Problems with synergy - special symbols & scroll speed

Viesturs Proskins

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Viesturs Proskins
Hi, having issue with my setup: [b]Server:[/b] [code]MAC OS X 10.11.1 Synergy version: 1.7.5[/code] [b]Client:[/b] [code]MAC OS X 10.11.1 Synergy version: 1.7.5[/code] [b]Problems:[/b] 1) I am using Latvian keyboard layout which is standard QWERTY keyboard layout with modify key ' for special symbols, such as ēūīāšķļčņ; Expected behaviour: - once I type on client with server keyboard, modify key ' works by transforming a -> ā, etc; Actual result: - it skips modify key, so presing ' + a results in a; - if I try with Alt as modify key, letters are transformed; 2) Scroll speed on client: Expected behaviour: - scroll speed are the same on both sides - server and client; Actual result: - scroll speed on client is like x5 faster - unusable;
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