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Little Bugs and Annoyances


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I use Synergy on two Windows 7 64-bit machines presently, but have used it with Linux distros at points in the past. Currently, I have noticed some issues and don't really have anywhere else to mention them, so I'll list them here and maybe others will add on. I don 't know if the developers ever read this forum, but here's hoping. * Synergy won't stop logging. Un-checking the box does not always stop the logs piling up and sometimes changing the destination directory has no effect. * Setting up SSL does not work unless the logging is set to a debug option. On less verbose settings, the user never gets the message to accept the certificate. * A number of options that should be set in the GUI seem to be dependent on the log level chosen. Are the options selected associated with the logging level selected and changed each time the logging level is changed? It almost seems so. If so, this may explain the odd behaviours listed above. * One more little thing: The GUI window is a bit of a pain. The GUI window size is forgotten each time the GUI is closed and the log text does not wrap. Therefore, reading the log in the tiny window is impossible. The log should really have its own window, or the window size should be remembered on GUI start. * And lastly: When installing Synergy, I don't see any help offered. And, in the GUI, the "Help" menu option does not lead to any help! Apparently there are some help resources like the one on Github, but there is also legacy info scattered around. Some sort of pointer to help in the GUI and also evident in the installation process would likely make Synergy much more popular -- and improve the love-hate relationship with its long time users. Hope these observations are helpful.
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Silence. Anyhow, I'll add to the list in hopes that someone reads it and does something. Once I finally got Synergy running reliably (I hope, I noticed some hesitation and freezing in the cursor on the client machine. I checked the service priority. It was 'normal'. The I checked the server and found it was set at 'high'. I've now set the client to 'high'. I wonder why the server is high and the clent is normal? Mouse and keyboard are priority activities and any hesitation is highly annoying.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Steen Nielsen
Well, I think that the developers read the forum, although they might focus on bugs/issues posted on the GitHub page, [url]https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues[/url]. It might be more troublesome for us users, but instead of us just write "another half-minded" forum post (not saying that your post is that), that we hope the developers will read, we will be sure to know that we are actually giving them the bug-report in the format that they want us to give and make it easy for them (and us) to track the bug progress.
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Well, some of us are not all that interested in anything except using the product we paid for and which used to work flawlessly. Tracking down obvious bugs and jumping through hoops should not be our job. The developers want people to donate and I have three times, but at this point, I am quite fed up. Some of these bugs are quite obvious to anyone and just a mention of them should wake somebody up. The inability to stop logging and the apparent variability in performance depending on the logging level selected and the forgetting of window settings are so basic and obvious and I would imagine easy to fix that I really have to wonder if anyone is working on the program. The instructions and support are scattered all over and the casual user has to search around for what should be right out front. The "help' menu offers no help and that is the obvious place to put pointers to the various scattered and (incomplete and contradictory) docs. If the developers want to raise more money, they need to serve a wider audience and that includes people like me who are not here for the adventure of doing puzzles. If they don't plan to interact in the forum, maybe there should be no forum as all it is is a frustration and distraction for users with issues.
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