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Alternate desktop alignments

Jake Sallee

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Jake Sallee
My setup is 1 screen (made up of 4 monitors) over 2 screens (each made up of 2 monitors). Both rows happen to be the same width overall which leads to an interesting synergy setup. I have to line up the screens in such a way that the top screen is square with my main screen and the other screen just hangs off the right edge. The net effect is that when I mouse between the top and bottom screens the mouse leaves my center monitor and appears on the left monitor on my top screen, and more annoyingly, I cannot mouse down to my main screen from the top left screen. This is the physical layout [img]http://i.imgur.com/3aPKc1s.png[/img] And this is the layout in Synergy [img]http://i.imgur.com/dqU1LxT.png[/img] If it was possible to layout the screens in synergy exactly like they are in real life that would be great, the ability to align the screens not just on corners or boarders, but also on some arbitrary percentage would make my setup work much better and feel much more logical.
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Jan Peterson
You could get close to this if you abandon the GUI and set up the screen relationships in a config file. [code] section: links Thing1: right = Thing2 down = Archie Thing2: left = Thing1 down = Archie Archie: up = Thing[1 or 2] end [/code] Unfortunately, there isn't a good way to have "up" from Archie go to either Thing1 or Thing2 depending on where on Archie you were when you went up. You'll have to pick either Thing1 or Thing2 for now. It would be nice to be able to say something like "left 50% of Archie, up goes to Thing1; right 50% of Archie, up goes to Thing2", but the config file syntax doesn't handle that (yet). I'm not even sure how to make a non-confusing way of saying that in the config... maybe something like this: [code] Archie(0-49): up(0%-49%) = Thing1 up(50%-99%) = Thing2 [/code] but obviously that's not going to work without some significant code changes.
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Jan Peterson
I hate following up to my own post, but I just did some checking and it looks like the synergy2 project on sourceforge [url]http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/[/url] includes this mapping feature. See the page there that describes the configuration file ([url]http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/configuration.html[/url], scroll down to the section on LINKS). Any chance of that functionality being imported into the main Synergy version?
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Jan Peterson
Actually, it looks like that functionality may already be there. Just tested and it does work. You'll need to use the syntax as described in the link above: [code] section: links Thing1: right = Thing2 down(0,100) = Archie(0,50) Thing2: left = Thing1 down(0,100) = Archie(50,100) Archie: up(0,50) = Thing1(0,100) up(50,100) = Thing2(0,100) end [/code]
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Jake Sallee
HOLY CARP! Thats amazing! Do you know ... how long ... I have wanted to be able to do this?!?!?!? This, so much of this! This is why I am a proud supporter of this project. You just earned yourself a paypal donation ... I can't afford much, but you do deserve something. BRB, going to donate!
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  • 3 weeks later...
Chris Deckrow
Bump Up!! The old Synergy had this functionality built into the GUI. Please bring the GUI back. Especially if it is true the functionality is still there through the config file. And FYI for others seeing this and wondering where to put, and what to name their config file. From the help for synergys: C:\Program Files\Synergy>synergys --help ... ... If no configuration file pathname is provided then the first of the following to load successfully sets the configuration: C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\synergy.sgc C:\windows\synergy.sgc
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  • 1 month later...
David Partington
Hey, just found this thread and had a quick question. I'm running two PCs with three monitors and it currently looks like this. [img]http://i.imgur.com/vzGop9T.jpg[/img] I'd like to be able to move the second PC's monitors to surround my main screen so that when I move the mouse off screen left/right, it moves to the surrounding monitors on my second PC. Sorta like this: [img]http://i.imgur.com/FdNSqQD.jpg[/img] Is this possible at all with Synergy in it's current form? ps. love the program, keep up the great work! -David
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  • 4 weeks later...
Thorbjørn Bruarøy
If you follow the example of the config file configuration above, you should at least be able to make a "loop", so that you could go all the way around. This might make it work the way you want. Something like this (not tested or verified) [code]section: links David-PC: right = David2-PC left = David2-PC David2-PC: left = David-PC right = David-PC end[/code] The problem though is that if the far left and far right screens are on the same computer - there is no way to "delay" the switch between those two screens. Might be annoying, but I guess that depends on what you are running on those two screens.
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  • 4 weeks later...
So, if I have split configuration where one computer is in between the screens of the other, I have to reconfigure the split computer so that it thinks the right screens are on the left and the left screens are on the right so that the borders are in the middle to cross into the middle machine and mousing off the edges of the screens actually wrap around to the opposite physical side? I.e., if A1 A2 B1 A3 A4 is the real-world configuration matching computer configuration (i.e. computer A sees A1 A2 A3 A4 as the order and normal mouse motion skips B1 entirely), then reconfigure computer A so it thinks its display order is A3 A4 A1 A2 so that Synergy can be hand-configured for—because Synergy sees them as complete computers—B A B, effectively becoming B1 [A3 A4 A1 A2] B1, where the Bs are the same, creating the full wrap-around effect? Maybe I could block off 1% or less from the top of each computer so the title bars stay isolated per machine and give a place to fly the cursor to activate screen saver and require login. Is the configuration value strictly integer or float/double, and is it universal or relative to the associated computer's border? Yeah, this will be my first time using Synergy. But, if all goes well, there may be as many as 5 computers connected together across… oh, 11 screens? Maybe 12. Not counting iOS devices.
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  • 9 months later...
G. James Berigan
[quote="Jan Peterson"]I hate following up to my own post, but I just did some checking and it looks like the synergy2 project on sourceforge [url]http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/[/url] includes this mapping feature. See the page there that describes the configuration file ([url]http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/configuration.html[/url], scroll down to the section on LINKS). Any chance of that functionality being imported into the main Synergy version?[/quote] Those links now forward back to the symless homepage. The Wayback Machine link for the configuration file is [url]https://web.archive.org/web/20150511090800/http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/configuration.html[/url]. As my central computer has a 1440x2560 screen atop a 1920x1080 and flanked by 1440x2560 screens of the other computer, I'm trying to map a range of (0,70) to (0,100), but it doesn't want to take. I can tell it is reading the modified configuration file because I'd made a typo causing an error, and it is accepting the syntax, but not changing any behavior with it.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Drew Dutton
I would like to second this. I just bought Synergy today after using Input Director for over a year and the feature I miss more than anything is setting up the location of individual screens using the GUI. Right now I have three machines, the main with 3 monitors, the second with 2, and a Mac with 1. The physical setup is three on top and three on bottom but I can't go between certain screens and the cursor is WAY off when I do. I shouldn't have to create a config file for this functionality when there is free software that has it working without issue.
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  • 1 month later...
I would like to second this. I just bought Synergy today after using Input Director for over a year and the feature I miss more than anything is setting up the location of individual screens using the GUI. Right now I have three machines, the main with 3 monitors, the second with 2, and a Mac with 1.


The physical setup is three on top and three on bottom but I can't go between certain screens and the cursor is WAY off when I do. I shouldn't have to create a config file for this functionality when there is free software that has it working without issue.


I have a 6 monitor setup as well. 3 bottom monitors are on the server PC, top center and right monitors are on a 2nd Windows 10 box, top left is on a Mac Mini running 10.11.5. It would be great to have this feature implemented so I could easily configure my admittedly unique setup through the gui and not have to write a config file by hand.

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  • 5 months later...
Felipe Aspillaga

Here is my setup (Attached).

I have the GUI Setup configured with Laptop 2 left of Laptop 1.

As such, to get to laptop 2, I have to go over to External Display 2 and then go left of that.

Any ideas on how to achieve/improve this?


As for a feature change, one way to resolve is to (be able to) assign multiple blocks to a single item, to create these relationships and setups, just like the diagram I've attached.

Similarly, if you could drop in multiple instances of the same client/server to the GUI layout, to recreate the effect, that'd work too.


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