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Client not loading Ubuntu

John Cox

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Hi, I'm new to Synergy but have used Mouse without borders until I installed a Linux PC. However for two days I researched and tried solutions to the following problem to no avail. I'm also new to Ubuntu (15.04) but got root on the config file to make changes and did the following : #/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf as root (not found) #lightdm.conf is in etc/init/ edited it with the line shown below #also edited with the line below /etc/lightdm/users.conf #added the following line to the bottom of both these files. #greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/synergyc <IP of Server which works> [b]greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/synergyc <ip/host>[/b] Ubuntu as a client works , Windows 10 as a Server works . However can't unplug keyboard and mouse until Synergy loads every time in Ubuntu and it won't start til I click on it !. My users.conf file definitely has this line greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/synergyc *.*.*.* at the bottom The other question I have is how do I login automatically bypassing the manual login in Ubuntu? (I realise that this is a security risk but how else can this work ?) It seems that I can't run Synergy on Linux as a client without keyboard and mouse until I'm able to auto login and Synergy auto starts ? I've found little info on this maybe I'm looking in the wrong place ? Thank you for any help from you more experienced users, coders and Devs. EDIT: autologin fixed just need Synergy to auto run now.
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  • 4 months later...
I realize this is months old now, but have you tried adding Synergy to Startup Applications? [url]https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/startup-applications.html[/url]
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  • 1 month later...
Nick Demberger
Hello, So I have been struggling to get the program to launch the client before a user logs in. I just added the script to startup applications however this only starts after login. This works but still requires me to have a keyboard for the PC. If I could get it running before log in I would be very pleased. I have attempted to write a shell command and placed it in rc.local. However this does not seem to be working. I am running out of ideas. Any advice? I am still working on this and will post a result once I have one.
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  • 2 weeks later...
@ Bryan Gibson thxs for the reply I tried Alt F2 and adding synergy . This didn't load when I autologin. @Nick Demberger I feel your frustration. I wrote "cd usr/bin && ./synergyc IPAddress:Port" to rc.local and it got me nowhere too. I'm actually now on LinuxMint 17.2 Cinnamon desktop, apparently the most common Linux distro and easiest to use, hahahahaha, let me get off the floor and straighten my chair . I know little to nothing of Linux which makes it hard to find what bash script I need or what config file I need to change and in what folder. Everywhere I look for fixes or scripts there's hardly ever a mention of LM , I don't get why. W10 synergy server and LinuxMint 17.2 client work fine but I still have to manual run them. The struggle I'm having is getting the Linux client to run without a keyboard and mouse (as per my original post). I can run the Linux PC without keyboard as Synergy is in my panel and one mouse click and its running. What I need to do is now automate that somehow so I don't need a mouse click. This of course requires autologin which is not great for security, but better than nothing so far. This is just the basics functions of Synergy , why am struggling with this? I'm running the newest Synergy 1.7.6 version on both W10 and LM 17.2. Someone please just point me at something that works , this is a long time frustration. If this has been answered elsewhere can someone point to that (working) answered post thxs.
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  • 1 month later...
Jürgen Sommer
[quote]I'm actually now on LinuxMint 17.2 Cinnamon desktop[/quote] I know this thread is a little bit outdated. But just in case someone looks at it i wanted to add my success story to the end of it. I can understand your frustration. It took me an hour to figure that out. This is the problem with all these nice distributrions out there. Everything is cluttered all over the place. I´m using Ubuntu 16.04 and in this distribution the config files change before you can say "config files". With Ubuntu 16.04 you can get it to work if you add the following lines to the lightdm-greetings config: [code][SeatDefaults] greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/synergyc YOUR_SERVER_IP [/code] This greetings-config has several different locations. The one that did work for me had this path: [code]/usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-unity-greeter.conf[/code] [quote]Someone please just point me at something that works , this is a long time frustration. If this has been answered elsewhere can someone point to that (working) answered post thxs.[/quote] I found the relevant information on this link: [url]https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto[/url] They handle a bunch of windows managers configuration files. Good luck to you all.
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  • 1 month later...
Thanks to Jürgen Sommer for the tips in Ubuntu 16.04! I could not have done this without his instructions. I'm using Ubuntu Mate 16.04 and the process is a bit different so I'll show what I did to make Synergy start before login. I edited the [b][i]60-lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf[/i][/b] file in the [b][i]/usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d[/i][/b] directory and added the following lines to the end of the file. [code][SeatDefaults] greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/synergyc YOUR_SERVER_IP or HOSTNAME[/code] After a reboot, Synergy started before login so I was able to use the mouse from the server during login. Cheers!
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  • 3 months later...

I also tried the info at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto on 14.04 LTS which should be the same as 16.04. The greeter runs the process as root and the following Default files in Init and PostLogin cannot kill it because they are run as the user. How did you get it to continue to work after login if the process is being run as root?

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