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multiple monitor support

Matthew Hoyle

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Matthew Hoyle
Hello! Love, love love Synergy. used for a couple of hours now, I have some ideas or rather something i would love to be supported or changed. My main computer (Synergy server) has 3 monitors, above these 3 monitors are another 3, connected to different computers. I would love to be able to configure the top of each server screen to connect to the 3 monitors above, but currently, i can only set one computer to the top of all 3 monitors, i can not set the top of each monitor to a different computer. Not sure if this makes sense, so just drop me a line and ill try and do a little MS paint drawing or something lol. Thanks. - MHoyle
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  • 2 months later...
Joshua Parnell
I know what you mean... have it configurable for Synergy to recognize that there are three monitors on one client and be able to position other clients in relation to the monitors. This has been something that has been requested for as long as I can remember, since 2009 at least. It's not likely to be implemented any time soon, if at all.
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