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Linux (XFCE) Lock Screen Bug


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I'm using the latest nightly builds (1.8.0) on my two boxes: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit as SERVER (with the peripherals attached to it) and Kali Linux 2 64-bit (Debian-based distro with kernel 4.0.0-kali1-amd64) as CLIENT. My keyboard and mouse: Logitech Wireless Combo (Mouse & Keyboard) MK220. Just to make it clear: Everything works fine EXCEPT on my Linux's LOCK SCREEN. The Linux box uses XFCE 4.10 as a graphical environment/interface. Whenever I lock the computer running the Kali Linux and find myself staring at the "type your user/password" window, I can no longer move my mouse or type on my keyboard even though Synergy is still running (given the connection is never interrupted in the logs and as soon as I plug a keyboard in the Linux box and type the login/password and unlock it, returning to the desktop, the normal operation is resumed and I can move the mouse and type in the keyboard again). Any ideas on this issue/bug? TL;DR: Synergy does not work while on XFCE 4.10 lock screen.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Andres Garcia1491393140
I had issues with screensaver between CentOS and Windows 8/10. When I lock the server on CentOS, it starts locking the windows PC automatically. The following parameter in my config seemed to end this behavior, could be worth a try. [code]section: options screenSaverSync = false [/code]
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