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Detect computer change?

Daniel Garcia

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Is there a way to detect that the current computer targeted by synergy has changed, and run a script when that happens? I'd like to configure things so that when my mouse goes off the edge of the screen to go to the "next computer" my kvm is triggered to switch to the appropriate machine. I can think of two ways to do this - one is if synergy provided a way to execute a script when the computer changes. If synergy doesn't provide such a mechanism, is there a way for an external app/script to ask synergy what the current computer is?
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That is actually a really good idea. Being able to run external commands is a feature that a lot of software has, but isn't often used. ATM, the only way I can think of to do this would be to use the hotkeys in Synergy. If your OS supports custom keyboard shortcuts, then you might be able to have a shortcut, for example CTRL+ALT+LEFT, run a script in your OS and Synergy move to your other screen. But still, being able to configure this in Synergy would be useful.
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