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Synergy Windows (64 bit) and TechSmith's SnagIt

Roy Rumaner

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SnagIt uses the PrtScn key to activate it's screen capture feature. I have set up 3 PCs with 2 monitors on each successfully. On the server, I can use the PrtScn key to activate SnagIt fine. But when I switch to any of the client screens, that key does not activate SnagIt. First of all, has anyone else ever used Synergy and SnagIt together successfully? If so, how did you configure the PrtScn key? If not, does anyone have any other ideas? Thanks Roy
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  • 9 months later...
Damon Mittleider
I have the same issue with Greenshot, an open source Snag-it like tool. Apparently on guests for whatever reason it treats it as Alt+PrtScn when you hit PrtScn. I have contacted support but not really heard anything back. In the meantime I've mapped the clients to use Alt+PrtScn but the issue is when I am using them as just computers without Synergy I have to remember to use the Alt key. Kind of a bother but not a show stopper.
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