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Loss of keyboard/mouse control in Teamviewer.


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Hi I'm running Synergy and Teamviewer across three computers. I have no problem with the two client PCs and Teamviewer. Howerver, the PC acting as Synergy server always has loss of, or no control of the Keyboard or mouse when I connect via Teamviewer. Has anyone else seen this behaviour or know of a fix? Thanks, Grant
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David Silver
I use synergy across 2 Windows machines and I often teamviewer into them. My experience is that when I teamviewer into the computer which is the synergy server, the mouse and keyboard may or may not work depending on where I last left the mouse when I was in front of the computers. When I leave the mouse on the screen which is the synergy client, when I teamviewer into the synergy server, the mouse and keyboard are not available. One fix for this would be a timeout mechanism in synergy where if the mouse is not touched for a while, mouse and keyboard revert to the machine running the synergy server. This would make life with teamviewer/synergy in combination much easier. I am surprised there are not more mentions of this in these forums.
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