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mouse moves too fast on client machine

David Rice

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I am running my synergy host on a mac book pro (10.10). I have a client machine running on Windows 8.1. When I move the mouse to the client Windows 8.1 machine the mouse moves extremely fast. Is there some way to slow it down so I can use it? If I only move my mouse a very small bit it moves a long ways. If I really slow down my mouse movement, I can get it to work but it is a bit annoying. Thank you for any help. David Rice
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Mitchell Tuckness
I am having the same issue. I play a game on two machines and when I move the mouse to the client machine and attempt to use the mouse it moves extremely when using it to manuver a character in the game. The mouse movement itself, moving around, seems OK. But if I use it to try and move the character in the game, it will spin the character real fast et cetera. I cannot seem to find a setting to combat this.
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Is it always too fast? Mine occasionally speeds up on the client (PC), typically if my server (mac) locks/sleeps then wakes. I found stopping and starting the server on the mac fixed it.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Mitchell Tuckness
[quote="Tom Scase"]Is it always too fast? Mine occasionally speeds up on the client (PC), typically if my server (mac) locks/sleeps then wakes. I found stopping and starting the server on the mac fixed it.[/quote] It is always fast. If I stop it on my main and start it it slows it down on the main, but the client is always fast.
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Good news Everyone! I think I might have figured it out! I'm running Linux as the server, and Windows 7 as the client. In my case, I see the extreme mouse sensitivity when I launch a 3D or fullscreen app. Tooling around the desktop is fine, no problems. If I set a keyboard hotkey in Synergy to "Lock" the cursor to my current screen, my mouse sensitivity immediately returns to normal. Toggling my Lock hotkey will toggle that insane mouse speed. Try setting a cursor lock hotkey in Synergy, from the server. Hopefully that will normalize your mouse speed.
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Mitchell Tuckness
[quote="Ben Koenig"] Try setting a cursor lock hotkey in Synergy, from the server. Hopefully that will normalize your mouse speed.[/quote] Can you explain how to do this and what exactly it's doing? I found the Hotkey's section under Server Config. I can set a Hotkey, then for the action I set Press a Hotkey? Or Release or Press & Release? Then I choose Lock Cursor to Screen, do I pick Toggle, On or Off? Then under This action is performed when: The hotkey is pressed or the hotkey is released? Can you give the steps to the configuration you did so we can replicate? I would appreciate it a lot! Thanks!
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Sure thing. For my action I set "Lock cursor to screen" as a toggle. everything else as defaults should be fine. What this does is stop your mouse cursor from hopping server to client. Maybe there are some applications that get confused when synergy is controlling your mouse/screen, and for some of those this helped me.
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Mitchell Tuckness
[quote="Ben Koenig"]Sure thing. For my action I set "Lock cursor to screen" as a toggle. everything else as defaults should be fine. What this does is stop your mouse cursor from hopping server to client. Maybe there are some applications that get confused when synergy is controlling your mouse/screen, and for some of those this helped me.[/quote] Ah, there is a default key for that already, just hit Scroll Lock. It does seem to resolve the speed issue when you lock a mouse to a screen. Hopefully Synergy will fix the issue or make a setting so we don't have to lock the mouse to a screen. Like whatever separation changes happen when you lock a mouse to a screen have that done automatically when you switch screens with the cursor. Thanks!
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  • 4 weeks later...
I have this same problem. I'm running a Synergy server on a MacBook Pro (10.10.5 Yosemite), and a client on a Windows 7 desktop. Usually, like Tom, stopping and restarting Synergy on my server solves the problem.
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  • 3 months later...
Steven Rogers
Same problem here - the mouse movement on the client sometimes goes crazy fast. Possibly after server sleep/wake. Restarting the server machine makes the mouse movement on the client go back to normal speed.
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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

I have the same issue. I use my MacOS High Sierra as the server while using my Ubuntu 18.04 as the client. It is just too sensitive in my ubuntu. 

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  • 4 years later...

Have this issue too, even with the latest RC3 release. The mouse behaves just fine in Windows itself (running Win11 on two machines). In the client, whenever I want to work in my 3D app and move something, it seems like the mouse acceleration is extremely fast. It's hard to do small incremental movements.
It all stops whenever I lock the mouse to the client computer (scroll lock). It's not a perfect solution, but it works. Would be nice for it to work without using the 'lock mouse to computer' option.

See gif for illustration - for some reason the 'scroll lock key' doesn't get captured by the screen capture, but you get the point.


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  • 1 month later...

Exactly the same here and I have reported (quite some time ago) it to no avail. The 'lock to screen' workaround is ok, but not acceptable. I use 3d software professionally and this behaviour repeats in all the apps I use. The only gaming software I use is Flight Simulator 2020, and it also goes haywire if I don't remember to lock the cursor to the screen. Very frustrating. 

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  • 8 months later...

Same issue here (I think).

I have Windows on middle monitor 3840x2160 @ 200% scaling (so that it looks like 1920x1080) and MacOS on right monitor set at default for 27 inch display which MacOS lists as 1920x1080 (but I'm sure it's really 3840x2160 and UI scaled 200% to look like 1920x1080) and the mouse moves twice as fast (feels like exactly twice as fast, which makes sense) on the MacOS client machine.

For the record, to the left of the windows (middle) monitor I have an Ubuntu 24 client also set at 3840x2160 @ 200% and the mouse speed there is the same as on windows, only the MacOS client has this problem. I've tried the workaround to "lock cursor to screen" and that did not help.

I've also tried resizing the MacOS screen in the screen layout to be twice as big as the other screens, thinking this had a good chance to solve it but it also didn't work - even if it did it would not be ideal because then the bridge area between the screens would only be half as big as it should be.

If I understand correctly this is nothing to do with the mouse sensitivity settings on either the synergy server machine or the client machine, but instead down to the amount of mouse input that is sent/applied to the client, for some given amount of mouse input on the server - the fix might be pretty simple if we could adjust this with some multiple that is derived from the actual client resolution vs. the looks like resolution, or simply the UI scaling factor - which may already be accessible in the MacOS library bindings. Also, perhaps this is already implemented in the linux client as it works flawlessly there so we could copy that logic, and perhaps it is either implemented and not working in the MacOS client, or not implemented **yet**.

Please, please, please can this be worked on for a fix/added feature in that MacOS client as this is otherwise a PERFECT solution - this is really my only gripe. Being able to use three different operating systems on a triple monitor display with the same keyboard / mouse and basically zero lag (all three computers on 1G ethernet) with clipboard synchronization and key mapping customization makes me feel like I'm living in the future.

I able and willing to help in any way I can (development and/or testing) with the fix for this - let me know if I can help.

Thanks very much for a truly cool bit of software.

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