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Intermittent disconnects

Umer Nalla

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Hi all, I hope someone can help me here.. I had been using "Mouse without borders" which worked consistently but was frustrated by the occasional lag so decided to pay the $10 for Synergy. However, I am having intermittent issues within the first 2hours of usage. I have a simple setup : one Win7 laptop (server) + one Win10 PC (client). I had to manually specify IP and port numbers as otherwise the client and server would not see each other - even though I had installed the Bonjour tool. However, once I did the above it seemed to work ok - for a while.... Main Issues: 1)After a bit the mouse would not move from the server screen to the client screen. Wiggling the physical mouse on the client usually restores the remote control - happened a few times in the 2hr period. 2)At lunchtime, I locked both devices - but when I returned 15mins later, I found that the connection had been lost. I check the Client Log and even though it claimed to have disconnected and reconnected to the server I still could not get control back. I had to stop start both before control was re-established. I have included log extract below from the server and 13:14 was when I locked the screens and went away from my desk and 13:30 is when I came back and logged in. [size=85][2015-09-02T13:12:59] INFO: switch from "DESKTOP-DN5S45M" to "U8015059-TPL-A" at 1216,742 [2015-09-02T13:12:59] INFO: entering screen [2015-09-02T13:14:59] NOTE: disconnecting client "DESKTOP-DN5S45M" [2015-09-02T13:14:59] NOTE: client "DESKTOP-DN5S45M" has disconnected [2015-09-02T13:14:59] NOTE: stopped server [2015-09-02T13:14:59] WARNING: detected application not running, pid=6264 [2015-09-02T13:15:00] INFO: backing off, wait=2s, failures=1 [2015-09-02T13:15:02] INFO: starting new process [2015-09-02T13:15:02] INFO: activeDesktop:Winlogon [2015-09-02T13:15:02] ERROR: could not get session id for process id 9588 [2015-09-02T13:15:02] INFO: starting new process [2015-09-02T13:15:02] INFO: drag and drop enabled [2015-09-02T13:15:02] ERROR: failed to get desktop path, no drop target available, error=2 [2015-09-02T13:15:02] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients [2015-09-02T13:15:02] INFO: watchdog status: ok [2015-09-02T13:15:02] NOTE: accepted client connection [2015-09-02T13:15:03] NOTE: client "DESKTOP-DN5S45M" has connected [2015-09-02T13:30:25] INFO: switch from "U6015056-TPL-A" to "DESKTOP-DN5S45M" at 0,201 [2015-09-02T13:30:25] INFO: leaving screen [2015-09-02T13:30:25] INFO: screen "U6015056-TPL-A" updated clipboard 0 [2015-09-02T13:30:25] INFO: screen "U6015056-TPL-A" updated clipboard 1 [2015-09-02T13:30:31] INFO: switch from "DESKTOP-DN5S45M" to "U6015056-TPL-A" at 1273,-261 [2015-09-02T13:30:31] INFO: entering screen [2015-09-02T13:30:31] INFO: switch from "U6015056-TPL-A" to "DESKTOP-DN5S45M" at 0,500 [2015-09-02T13:30:31] INFO: leaving screen [2015-09-02T13:30:32] INFO: switch from "DESKTOP-DN5S45M" to "U6015056-TPL-A" at 1271,671 [2015-09-02T13:30:32] INFO: entering screen [2015-09-02T13:30:33] INFO: switch from "U6015056-TPL-A" to "DESKTOP-DN5S45M" at 0,411 [2015-09-02T13:30:33] INFO: leaving screen [2015-09-02T13:30:34] INFO: switch from "DESKTOP-DN5S45M" to "U6015056-TPL-A" at 1252,1096 [2015-09-02T13:30:34] INFO: entering screen [2015-09-02T13:30:35] NOTE: client "DESKTOP-DN5S45M" is dead [2015-09-02T13:30:39] NOTE: stopped server [2015-09-02T13:30:40] WARNING: detected application not running, pid=9364 [2015-09-02T13:30:41] INFO: backing off, wait=2s, failures=1 [2015-09-02T13:30:43] INFO: starting new process [2015-09-02T13:30:43] INFO: activeDesktop:Default [2015-09-02T13:30:43] ERROR: could not get session id for process id 740 [2015-09-02T13:30:43] INFO: starting new process [2015-09-02T13:30:43] INFO: drag and drop enabled [2015-09-02T13:30:43] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients [2015-09-02T13:30:43] INFO: watchdog status: ok [2015-09-02T13:36:46] INFO: watchdog status: ok [2015-09-02T13:37:29] INFO: starting server [2015-09-02T13:37:29] INFO: config file: C:/Users/U6015056/AppData/Local/Temp/qt_temp.gq3612 [2015-09-02T13:37:29] INFO: log level: INFO [2015-09-02T13:37:29] INFO: log file: C:/Program Files/Synergy/log/synergy.log [2015-09-02T13:37:29] INFO: service command updated [2015-09-02T13:37:29] INFO: service command updated [2015-09-02T13:37:29] INFO: got ipc shutdown message [2015-09-02T13:37:29] NOTE: stopped server [2015-09-02T13:37:30] INFO: process 3292 was shutdown gracefully [2015-09-02T13:37:30] INFO: starting new process [2015-09-02T13:37:30] INFO: activeDesktop:Default [2015-09-02T13:37:30] ERROR: could not get session id for process id 5492 [2015-09-02T13:37:30] INFO: starting new process [2015-09-02T13:37:30] INFO: drag and drop enabled [2015-09-02T13:37:30] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients [2015-09-02T13:37:30] INFO: watchdog status: ok [2015-09-02T13:38:02] NOTE: accepted client connection [2015-09-02T13:38:02] NOTE: client "DESKTOP-DN5S45M" has connected[/size] AND Below is the CLIENT extract from the similar time period: [size=85][2015-09-02T13:13:01] INFO: leaving screen [2015-09-02T13:15:02] NOTE: disconnected from server [2015-09-02T13:15:03] NOTE: connecting to '': [2015-09-02T13:15:04] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Connection was refused [2015-09-02T13:15:05] NOTE: connecting to '': [2015-09-02T13:15:05] NOTE: connected to server [2015-09-02T13:30:28] INFO: entering screen [2015-09-02T13:30:28] INFO: clipboard was updated [2015-09-02T13:30:28] INFO: clipboard was updated [2015-09-02T13:30:28] INFO: leaving screen [2015-09-02T13:36:12] INFO: watchdog status: ok [2015-09-02T13:37:44] INFO: starting client [2015-09-02T13:37:44] INFO: config file: C:/Users/u8015059/AppData/Local/Temp/qt_temp.Hp2752 [2015-09-02T13:37:44] INFO: log level: INFO [2015-09-02T13:37:44] INFO: service command updated [2015-09-02T13:37:44] INFO: service command updated [2015-09-02T13:38:04] WARNING: shutdown timed out after 20 secs, forcefully terminating [2015-09-02T13:38:04] INFO: starting new process [2015-09-02T13:38:04] INFO: activeDesktop:Default [2015-09-02T13:38:04] INFO: starting new process [2015-09-02T13:38:05] INFO: drag and drop enabled [2015-09-02T13:38:05] NOTE: started client [2015-09-02T13:38:05] NOTE: connecting to '': [2015-09-02T13:38:05] INFO: watchdog status: ok [2015-09-02T13:38:05] NOTE: connected to server[/size] Thanks in advance for your help!
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