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High CPU consumption and server crash v1.7.4

Marcel Ward

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Hi, I upgraded both laptop and desktop from v1.7.3 to v1.7.4 on 11Aug and experienced a crash on desktop (acting as server) on 17Aug. The mouse was v-e-r-y - s-l-o-w to move whilst I tried to click on the Allow button of my personal firewall to allow the crash log to be sent to Microsoft's servers. I've seen this before with v1.7.3 though so I've gotten used to doing small mouse movements to get there. CPU usage on one core was maxed out. I think I may have had to end the service process through Task Manager. Background: the upgrade was reasonably seamless on both machines. As with prior upgrade to v1.7.3, they failed to connect initially despite claiming to have successfully downloaded the SSL plugin. After re-wizarding and a reboot, both were able to connect fine. Monitor layout: Laptop (client, far left) <--> Secondary desktop monitor (middle, -ve x) <--> Primary desktop monitor (right, +ve x) The crash report summary is attached, as is the server synergyd.log showing a problem occurring at around 12:08:30, which is a couple of seconds before the crash report file was generated. [attachment=0]20150825Crashv1.7.4.7z[/attachment] Hope this helps even though it's not much to go on! Cheers.
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Mike McEachron
I am also running to this issue between a win 7 server and mac 10.10 laptop. This problem seems particularly nasty if I have anything on the windows clipboard and move over to the mac. In most cases the windows service crashes and a slew of commands pour into the server so fast the mouse becomes unresponsive. Ctrl-alt-del takes about 15 seconds to take effect, at which time you can gain control of the mouse a few seconds later to position it over the crashed service notice so you can click 'Okay' and cause the application to stop locking the rest of the system. The number of occurrences involving this kind of crash for me in an average workday is between 3-5 and it's almost to the point where this entire setup is not feasible. Until this is issue is fixed I'll need to roll back to a previous version.
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[quote="Marinus Willemstijn"]Same issue here! It hangs my whole pc.[/quote] I am still having the same issue. I have had to uninstall to ensure that my machine does not hang again. It is really annoying. I installed the synergy-v1.7.4-stable version on a Win 7 box (Synergy Server) and on 2 clients, Win 8 and Mac with OSX 10.9.5. I am still experiencing crashes on the server as with previous 1.7.4 releases. I have to reboot my machine when this happens as it does not recover from the crash. Any suggestions. I now have synergy logging enabled so will be able to provide this log when this occurs again. Event Log: Faulting application name: synergys.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x55c53ad1 Faulting module name: synergys.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x55c53ad1 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x000000000005ecae Faulting process id: 0x2b10 Faulting application start time: 0x01d0d79aa8376b81 Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Synergy\synergys.exe Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\Synergy\synergys.exe Report Id: 739bf29e-44ec-11e5-9cbb-f9e0456878a5
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi, I can confirm this also, using SSL connection(a must for me), the problem is more noticeable when putting in the clipboard large amount of data, e.g screenshots, images, etc... or specially formatted data , I had crash copying a link from microsoft onenote to the other pc and the problem arose. seems synergy likes only plain text on the clipboard while on SSL connection. the sequence goes like this: /*Just put something on the clipboard on PC1, a snipping from one note win-s*/ [2015-09-25T22:05:21] INFO: switch from "PC1" to "PC2" at 1365,432 [2015-09-25T22:05:21] INFO: leaving screen [2015-09-25T22:05:21] INFO: bitmap: 177x395 32 [2015-09-25T22:05:21] INFO: convert image from: depth=32 comp=3 [2015-09-25T22:05:21] INFO: screen "PC1" updated clipboard 0 [2015-09-25T22:05:21] INFO: bitmap: 177x395 32 [2015-09-25T22:05:21] INFO: convert image from: depth=32 comp=3 [2015-09-25T22:05:21] INFO: screen "PC1" updated clipboard 1 [2015-09-25T22:05:21] NOTE: client "PC2" has disconnected <---- Here a strange jump occurs and the cursor is back to PC1 [2015-09-25T22:02:29] INFO: jump from "PC2" to "PC1" at 960,540 [2015-09-25T22:02:29] INFO: entering screen<---- Here the server has already crashed, input is taken from server ctrl alt del has effect after several seconds, regain control of the server [2015-09-25T22:03:44] WARNING: detected application not running, pid=2436 <----restart of the app from gui gives this error, a service restart might work but the application keeps with the problem copying large chunks or special data to clipboard [2015-09-25T22:03:45] INFO: backing off, wait=2s, failures=1 [2015-09-25T22:03:47] INFO: starting new process [2015-09-25T22:03:47] INFO: activeDesktop:Default [2015-09-25T22:03:47] INFO: starting new process [2015-09-25T22:03:47] INFO: drag and drop enabled [2015-09-25T22:03:47] ERROR: failed to init synwinhk.dll, another program may be using it [2015-09-25T22:03:47] INFO: restarting your computer may solve this error [2015-09-25T22:03:47] FATAL: failed to start server: unable to open screen [2015-09-25T22:03:48] ERROR: failed to launch, error: process immediately stopped [2015-09-25T22:03:48] INFO: backing off, wait=4s, failures=2
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  • 1 month later...
Has this issue been resolved? My server frequently locks up(No mouse movement) and my client stops working. I have to result to logging out and back in before I am able to regain control of my mouse. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing with no resolution. This has become quite frustrating! I am running an Intel I7 860 2.8ghz Dell with 16 g ram on a windows 7 64-bit os. Running version 1.7.4
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I had this happen today. Here's my observation / recovery: http://superuser.com/questions/488913/e ... 092#999092 TL;DR: I think the trigger was when I went to access an external drive that had gone to sleep. The whole computer paused briefly as it came up and when the computer resumed, Synergy did not. (note: I've found if you click on a sleeping Drive's Explorer window once, it causes no problem, but if you click/search/etc repeatedly before it comes up, that's when Windows gets upset.) My solution to recover without rebooting: [list][*]In Windows Task Manager I brought up "Processes, All users" and killed anything with "Synergy" in the name.[/*:m] [*] I then went to "Services" and did a "Start" on the Synergy service.[/*:m] [*] Then I restarted Synergy (the app) and it worked.[/*:m][/list:u]
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