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new client is unresponsive

michael Blanchard

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michael Blanchard
I started this morning with synergy no longer working, rebooted, no effect. I upgraded to latest version on both windows 10 PCs, and now I get Timed out errors on the client, and "new client is unresponsive" errors on the server. this is after disabling SSL and rebooting both machines. with SSL enabled (which used to work) I get SSL errors and no connection.
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Having the exact same issue other than Server = WIN7 & Client = WIN10 Both have been working fine until recently. And this was one 1.8 day build of 8/2. Removed both and reinstalled, no luck. Tried going back to 1.7.4 ... no luck. Currently running last night's daily build of 1.8.0 SERVER: [2015-08-24T19:46:12] NOTE: new client is unresponsive [2015-08-24T19:46:15] NOTE: accepted client connection Constantly looping when Synergy running. CLIENT: [2015-08-24T19:46:47] WARNING: detected application not running, pid=8556 [2015-08-24T19:46:48] INFO: backing off, wait=2s, failures=1 [2015-08-24T19:46:50] INFO: starting new process [2015-08-24T19:46:51] INFO: activeDesktop:Default [2015-08-24T19:46:51] INFO: starting new process [2015-08-24T19:46:51] INFO: drag and drop enabled [2015-08-24T19:46:51] NOTE: started client [2015-08-24T19:46:51] NOTE: connecting to '': [2015-08-24T19:46:51] INFO: OpenSSL 1.0.2 22 Jan 2015 [2015-08-24T19:46:52] INFO: watchdog status: ok [2015-08-24T19:46:52] ERROR: ssl error occurred (generic failure) [2015-08-24T19:46:52] ERROR: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol [2015-08-24T19:46:52] ERROR: failed to connect secure socket [2015-08-24T19:46:53] NOTE: disconnected from server [2015-08-24T19:46:53] NOTE: stopped client And then starts over in a loop. This was not happening 2 days ago. Certainly may not be Synergy-related but it is the only issue I'm having with either. No changes to client or server. AutoUpdate is not enabled for MS. Any thoughts? Im like a drug addict now without my fix. My whole workflow is based on Synergy. Best thing since sliced bread for my environments. You guys rock! EDIT: I have since learned that I can disable SSL. Since this is a confined network, I don't see that an issue but SSL would be preferred obviously. However once I disabled SSL, everything went back to normal as far as connectivity and both client/server works fine with the typical log messages I would expect. FYI ... hint hint.
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Indrajeet Kumar
I am running into the exact same issue with 1.7.4: [] ERROR: ssl error occurred (generic failure) [] ERROR: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol [] ERROR: failed to connect secure socket .. synergyc[40834:507] starting cocoa loop [] NOTE: disconnected from server looks like SSL has issues, how do i disable SSL in synergy server and client? I don't see any option to disable it.
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Indrajeet Kumar
> how do i disable SSL in synergy server and client? I don't see any option to disable it. Nevermind, figured out the settings to do it. 1.7.4 seems to work fine without SSL and runs into crashes when SSL is enabled :(
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