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Problem using MSWORD with Synergy

Russell Southey

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Russell Southey
Hi I use Word and Synergy on two separate PCs - however with Synergy running I cannot use the mouse to select text in one word document and copy to another document ON THE SAME PC - this is not a problem of copying/moving text between different PCs. I have to stop the Synergy service running on the PC I am using - which makes Synergy inoperable -do the work I need to do and then restart the Synergy Service on the PC to use Synergy. Is there a setting that I can change to allow me to use the drag/drop/copy/paste function using the mouse and still maintain the functionality afforded by Synergy? Any suggestions or thoughts on this problem will be appreciated. Thanks Russell
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  • 1 month later...
Are the MS applications such as Word, outlook, etc the only ones affected? Can you copy text in non-Microsoft applications such as Firefox/Chrome, or notepad?
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There are some issues with rich-text applications, it would help us to know the specifics. What are your exact Synergy versions (including 32-bit or 64-bit), OS exact versions (if you haven't given those already), which applications are affected and which aren't, and please describe some exact steps you are trying when you don't have success with copy-paste.https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/2909 @Bob Deakin, "mouse selects do not work in Outlook": do you mean that you cannot highlight content in Outlook by dragging (with primary mouse button held down) or double-clicking? If that is not what you meant, I hope you can describe the exact problem.
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Russell Southey
Hi Brian Thanks for your response. I am using Synergy 1.7.4 on two PCs - both 64 bit, Windows 10. The problem I HAD when Synergy is "active" is with MSWord (2013) the specific problem is as follows:- On ONE PC I have two Word documents open - I am busy editing one document and I want to drag and drop text from one document to the other ON THE SAME PC. Using the mouse, I highlight text on one document, press the CTRL key, click on the selected text and drag and copy the text to a second document. With Synergy Running - this was not possible - the ctrl drag and drop did not work. The selected text would "un-select". I would have to use the right click, copy - then paste option. I have since upgraded to Word 2016 and the "problem" seems to have disappeared - I am now able to drag and drop between documents on the same PC. HOWEVER - when using Notepad - the problem persists. When using Notepad I cannot select text, ctrl drag and drop to another copy of Notepad or to Word for that matter. What seems to be happening is that the selection of the text does is not "retained" so that when I click on the selected text to ctrl drag and drop the text, the selection is cancelled - so that I cannot drag and drop text. I hope this makes some sense to you! Otherwise, what an awesome program Synergy is! Regards Russell
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Are any messages printed to the log for this? If any of you are still have trouble with this, please post your log files. You can set the log level to Debug2 and specify an output file to make it easier to put here. Thanks!
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  • 3 months later...
Windows Version 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) - Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit MS Office Professional Plus 10 - Version 14.0.7162.5000 (32-bit) I am having this issue highlighting text to copy it. I see the workaround to press the WIN key and it appears to work. Still, I had this issue over a year ago and I was lucky someone from our enterprise email support team was able to determine it was Synergy. At the time we didn't see the workaround and so I gave up on Synergy but I can continue to use it now with the WIN key workaround. Let me know if you want any other help.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I am having a very similar issue. When Synergy is running, I cannot do *anything* in Word that involved holding down a mouse button. Examples: [list][*]LMB+Drag to select text[/*:m] [*]LMB select an indent handle to adjust the indent[/*:m] [*]LMB select to drag the column width of a table[/*:m][/list:u] All other LMB-hold activities work in other apps on this PC. As soon as a shut down Synergy, everthing in the list above starts working immediately. Win8.1, Office 2013.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Morten Jønby
Hi. I also have this VERY annoying problem. I am running Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit and Office Professional 2010. I was running an older (free) version of Synergy - 1.4.12 I believe - and had this problem. When Googling the problem, some indicated that upgrading to a newer release would fix the issue. So I paid the $10 to get 1.7.5, but unfortunately problem is still there. I installed the 64-bit version. The problem is for sure triggered when the service runs and if you click the CTRL button! Then it is no longer possible to select any text or drag and drop. I have the problem in Word and Outlook, but also in e.g. Adobe Reader or other applications when zooming in/out by holding the CTRL button while use the mouse wheel. I was really hoping that someone (perhaps Synergy support) would have a solution for this! I didn't by the Pro version and do not intend to just because of this. I am hoping that they read their own forums :). Not sure if problem is with Synergy or a bad combination of several things... Synergy, please solve this ... I have uploaded the synergy.log file with debu2 enabled. I could only reproduce the problem right now in Adobe Reader. So after just clicking CTRL key I could no longer select any text. I hope someone knows how to read the log. Thanks! br, Morten
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  • 2 months later...
Unfortunately, some apps, like Adobe and MS Office, prevent Synergy from properly communicating mouse moves, which breaks text select. Most users are able to get around this by enabling Relative mouse moves on the server, and switching to Elevate mode on the (Windows) client. To make this change, follow the instructions below: Open Synergy on the server Click on the button labeled "Configure server..." Click on the tab "Advanced server settings" On the right hand side, check the box labeled "Use relative mouse moves" Click "OK" Click "Apply" or "Start" Open Synergy on the (Windows) client Go to Edit > Settings > Elevate Mode Click "Apply" Also on the client, press the Scroll Lock key on the keyboard. This should prevent your mouse from leaving the screen. Press it again to be able to switch back to the server. Some users report that they find a sequence of keys to restore drag-select. This ranges from as simple as just pressing the Windows key to combining modifier keys, plus tab and escape. I haven't found any that work consistently, however. Some users just stop Synergy when they need to work in these apps. If this is the case for you, just let me know and I can refund your payment. This is being tracked here: https://github.com/symless/synergy/issues/2695 https://github.com/symless/synergy/issues/3044 https://github.com/symless/synergy/issues/4508
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