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spacebar write the letter "s"

Oscar Bautista

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Oscar Bautista
Good afternoon, I bought a license and prove synergy with my Mac PCs spacebar write the letter "s" instead of space. Is there a solution? My computers are configured in "Spanish ISO - Spanish ISO". Thank you.
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  • 6 months later...
Hola has conseguido solucionarlo, yo tengo el mismo problema, en el cliente MAC la barra espaciadora escribe s Hello, do you have any solution?, my spacebar write "s" on client too Gracias
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Hola, Por mi parte y tras muchas pruebas he conseguido solucionarlo temporalmente. He instalado en el servidor la versión 1.7.5 pero de 32bit en lugar de la de 64bit (mi SO es Windows 10 home 64 bit) He instalado en el cliente la versión original que tenía desde hace 6 años, la 1.3.1 (es un Max con OS X 10.10.5) El teclado es un microsoft wireless 3000 con mouse wireless 5000
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  • 2 months later...
Denis Milette
I have a similar problem, only I get a "/" if I press spacebar. I have posted on this forum before, but the topic has been deleted. As far as I know, this is a recurring, unattended issue as no one form the dev team ever bothered commenting... Synergy is utterly useless to me because of this. I believe it happens the minute you don't use the US Keyboard layout (I'm on Canadian Multilingual).
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Virginia Rubio
I have the same issue: spacebar writes "s", which renders Synergy useless. I have an MacBook Pro as main computer and an iMac as secondary, both running El Capitan. Of course, I intend to use only the wireless keyboard and trackpad of my iMac. If this issue has not been solved, using Synergy is a waste of time. If anybody has found a solution please tell me how to fix it. Thanks in advance.
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Oscar Bautista
the truth is that it is embarrassing, this problem has for years reported and nobody solves , if no payment application would understand, but I paid and I was unable to use the program. That said, a shame
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