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Linux server, windows client, windows key not working

Gary Butler

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As in the title, running server (1.6.2 as 1.7.4 won't download ns plugin) on a linux box (Centos) as the server and a Win 7 as the client. Everything is working except the Windows Key. I don't use it much but it's useful for locking the machine (Windows-L) I've been poking around to see if I need to map it, but can't find anything useful for my configuration (odd posts about linux-mac combos, but no linux server - win client setups).
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  • 5 months later...
Maybe there is just a setting that is incompatible for the keyboard? This might be easy to solve, with enough info. * specific OS (including version) on each system? * on which system do you have the issue? * language setting for OS on each system involved (important to give exact name)? * language setting in Synergy on each system in "Edit" -> "Settings"? * what is the keyboard brand/model (or laptop brand/model if you are using its keyboard), and is there any key between left Shift and Z keys? The keys/characters tend to work best when the language settings in the OS as well as Synergy (on each system) are set to the same language for which the keyboard is designed (or any language for which the keyboard is totally compatible). You have checked that the Windows key works when used without Synergy? - Brian
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