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Synergy not working in 2 Mac systems

Malwinder Singh

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Malwinder Singh

Hi, I configured Synergy and it is not working fine with my 2 Mac systems

Synergy app details:
Version: 1.14.6-snapshot-88fdd263
Build Date: 12 October 2022

Video link:

Server logs:
[2023-01-03T15:14:28] INFO: config file: /Users/malwinder/Library/Application Support/Synergy/Synergy/LastConfig.cfg
[2023-01-03T15:14:28] INFO: log level: INFO
[2023-01-03T15:14:28] INFO: log file: /private/var/log/synergy.log
[2023-01-03T15:14:28] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
2023-01-03 15:14:28.767 synergys[25587:2032897] starting cocoa loop

Client logs:
[2023-01-03T15:15:17] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Connection refused
[2023-01-03T15:15:18] NOTE: connecting to '':

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  • 2 months later...
  • Synergy Team
Daniel Evenson

Hi 👋

Apologies for the delayed response, I thought I should ask if you are still having the same issue? 

If so, would you mind checking if it might be firewall related? A good way to check is run a ping test - https://symless.com/synergy-help/how-to-do-a-ping-test

Running the ping test would check if the computers can communicate with each other (outside of Synergy), if the ping test is successful (ie. get a response) it's likely a firewall rule related to Synergy. If it's not successful, it means there is an issue with the network, that something is blocking the computers from communicating with each other (perhaps on different networks or router has client isolation enabled).

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