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Keys not interpreted correctly under 1.14.2

David Gunter

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I have two MacBooks connected via Synergy. On both macs I used the command-alt-rightarrow keys to move to the next space to the right. On the host system, this works. When I mouse over to the other MacBook, the key combo is interpreted as a back space and only works to take my web browser back a page.

Any idea how to debug this? 

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This is a bug I'm getting, too, with 1.4.0.

A workaround is to remap the shortcuts for switching desktops on the client machine to something like Ctrl-[ and Ctrl-] then use Synergy's Hotkey mapping on the host to remap it back to what I expect just on that screen like in the attached screenshot.


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In my configuration. In my client computer the { [ not works with alt+{ or alt+[ i tryed to make a hotkey, but not works. But work with command + { and command+[ why this happens. When in the hotkeys, i did alt+[

I work with two macs. server Mac Big Sur / client Mac High Sierra

Edited by dcladera
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I have synergy server (v 1.14.2-stable0c6918b74) running on MacOS 11.3.1, and client running MacOS 11.6 (also running synergy 1.14.2-stable0c6918b74). I can't bring up mission control or switch spaces on the client using Ctrl-up-arrow or Ctrl-right-arrow . Is there a solution for this besides remapping hotkeys on the client? I love synergy, but this feature is important. Can someone help?

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On 12/15/2021 at 8:27 AM, Grandoverseer said:

I have synergy server (v 1.14.2-stable0c6918b74) running on MacOS 11.3.1, and client running MacOS 11.6 (also running synergy 1.14.2-stable0c6918b74). I can't bring up mission control or switch spaces on the client using Ctrl-up-arrow or Ctrl-right-arrow . Is there a solution for this besides remapping hotkeys on the client? I love synergy, but this feature is important. Can someone help?

Similar issue here after updating Synergy.

Server: Windows 10 Pro Version 20H2, Synergy Version 1.14.2-stable-c6918b74
Client: OSX Big Sur Version 11.6, Synergy Version 1.14.2-stable-c6918b74

Did some basic testing of a few of the keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Removed all local key remapping on the windows machine in PowerToys Keyboard Manager. 
  2. Made sure mac Modifier Keys were set to default.
  3. Basic synergy config with no keymapping and only the two machines.
  4. Confirmed keypresses were registering on both windows and mac with an online keyboard checker.  All testable keys were responding including arrow keys & the following when on the mac:
    Ctrl = Ctrl, Windows Key = Command, Alt = Option
  5. Confirmed Keyboard Shortcuts on Mac
    Mission Control = Ctrl+UpArrow, Application windows = Ctrl+DownArrow, Switch to Desktop #1-9 = Ctrl+# key, Switch to Desktop to the right = Ctrl+RightArrow, Switch to Desktop to the left = Ctrl+LeftArrow
  6. Tested keyboard shortcuts on the Mac's built in keyboard to make sure they were working locally.

Results when using the synergy server keyboard:

  • Ctrl+UpArrow = Didn't work to open mission control.  If no window was focused there was no action.  Having Finder focused resulted in moving up one item in the current file list. If a text editor was open it resulted in moving up 62 lines unless the starting point was under the 62nd line.
  • Ctrl+DownArrow = Didn't work to show open windows. Similar results as above, no action if no window focused, in Finder it moved selection down one in the file list and in a text editor it moved down 62 lines or to the end of the document if less than 62 lines long.
  • Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow = Didn't work to move to left/right desktops. No action when no window was focused or in Finder.  When focused on a text editor it moved the cursor left or right one word.
  • Ctrl+#Key 1-9 = All of these worked and I could switch between desktops 1-9 

Couple other observations:

  • I set synergy logging on the mac to Debug1 to compare the output of working shortcuts vs. the borked shortcuts but didn't see anything issue with the key codes that were sent.  I also tried checking with the app Key Codes on the mac - it recorded the codes 126/0x7e when pressing Ctrl+UpArrow on the server keyboard but just opened Mission Control without logging any key down info on the client keyboard. 
  • Sublime Text has the shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+UpArrow and Ctrl+Shift+DownArrow to add a cursor to multiple lines.  When testing both of these were still working.
  • When I tested Win+Alt+Left/Right Arrow (Command+Option+Left/Right Arrow) this was also working for me but I only tested in Vivaldi and it has these keyboard shortcuts set up in it's own config.


Workarounds I found:

  • I've got aText installed on the mac so I tried creating a snippet that sent an Up Arrow Keypress with Control as a modifier when triggered = this also wasn't working to open Mission Control.  When I created an AppleScript snippet with the text: "tell application "System Events" to key code 126 using control down" that did work to open Mission Control.  I did have to update Privacy settings to give aText Accessibility permissions (double checked and Synergy already has Accessibility permissions set).   I had it working with the abbreviation ;m since I couldn't find a way to assign a keyboard shortcut for aText snippets.
  • I also found instructions online to assign a keyboard shortcut to an AppleScript setup in Automator over on apple.stackexchange.com which allows the above workaround without using 3rd party software.  I had to mess around with multiple app Accessibility permissions to get it working and then after setting the keyboard shortcut it'd ask me about permissions again for every new app that had focus when I used the shortcut (Accessibility and Automation permissions.) When I tried using the Ctrl+UpArrow key combo for the shortcut it also worked but not when focused on a text editor.


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Chris Hunter

Also seeing this. Same exact symptoms. Ctrl + any arrow key on the server does not send signal to the client. Ctrl + # works to change desktops, but can't view mission control or all app windows without using the client's physical keyboard.

Server: MacOS 12.1, Synergy 1.14.2-stable-c6918b74

Client: MacOS 12.2.1, Synergy 1.14.2-stable-c6918b74

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I'm seeing a similar issue, where the arrow keys mostly work as expected but in one particular case they don't work the same as a locally attached keyboard. I use Synergy with a headless Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspbian 10, and two MacBook clients. I have seen this behavior under Synergy 1.14.2 and 1.14.3 releases (all machines running the same version at any given time).

Normal arrow key usage does work for me. In a terminal, I can use the arrow keys to navigate shell history, and in Chrome, I can use them to navigate selections in the URL bar.

However, I also use Hammerspoon, and its chooser panels do not work with arrow keys in Synergy. To see this, you can install Hammerspoon, install Seal, and enable the "apps" plugin, then activate Seal type a common letter and use the arrow keys to navigate. (There is a guide that might help if you're installing Hammerspoon from scratch.) I can use the arrow keys on any directly-connected keyboard to navigate these panels, but arrow keys in Synergy do not work. Not sure if this is helpful, but the code for the chooser panel's handling of arrow keys is on GitHub, and they use the NSUpArrowFunctionKey that is part of Apple's API.

I understand this is a niche case, but I am hopeful that it is part of the issue described upthread. Please feel free to contact me if I can test something or provide more info.

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Just updated both of my systems (mac & windows 10 server) to 1.14.3 and the CTRL+Arrow Key navigation for Mission Control/desktop navigation are working for me again.

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On 5/22/2022 at 2:44 AM, darkpouka said:

Just updated both of my systems (mac & windows 10 server) to 1.14.3 and the CTRL+Arrow Key navigation for Mission Control/desktop navigation are working for me again.

Great, gotta check it out.


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WORKED:  CTRL+Arrow Key navigation for Mission Control/desktop navigation

DIDN'T WORK:  Keys would get “virtually locked”. What I mean is that on the client computer, some keystrokes would keep repeating as if the key was stuck in the keyboard (which it's not)

Synergy 1.14.3
Server: MacBook Pro, Monterey 12.3.1, Apple M1 Pro
Client: MacBook Pro, Monterey 12.3.1, 8-Core Intel Core i9


Edited by Nando CM
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28 minutes ago, Nando CM said:


WORKED:  CTRL+Arrow Key navigation for Mission Control/desktop navigation

DIDN'T WORK:  Keys would get “virtually locked”. What I mean is that on the client computer, some keystrokes would keep repeating as if the key was stuck in the keyboard (which it's not)

Synergy 1.14.3
Server: MacBook Pro, Monterey 12.3.1, Apple M1 Pro
Client: MacBook Pro, Monterey 12.3.1, 8-Core Intel Core i9


QUICK UPDATE: Deactivating clipboard sharing seems to solve the issue (maybe points to bug?)

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Chris Hunter

@Nando CM I have run into that problem in the past (specifically Ctrl key would sometimes act as if it was "held down" on the client"). I found that tapping the physical Ctrl key on the client machine would usually fix this. But that was in the past. It could be a different bug now.

I think it may have also had to do with changing screens while the key was still held down, but again, it's been a long time.

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