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I think i submitted a ticket, have no idea if it actually did... I have issues w/ this website, having to log in multiple times and trying to navigate it. I admit I don't allow all the 3rd party scripts ran but still.....


But my main issue 

I just updated client Centos 7 from 1.11 to 1.14) and server Win7 from 1.13 to 1.14 so we will see, but 

# 1. I will often lose my mouse/input when leaving my server(Win7) to client (Centos7) I can hit ctl alt del and get taskmgr open and move mouse and stuff on that screen, but back in windows even though mouse curser is now on screen I can't move it or do any input other than ctrl-alt-del. I can close out server/client and wait a little bit and I get input again. I think this is tied to my use of virtualbox, but often it happens when the VM is just somewhere in the background not grabbing input or anything.  I haven't seen anything in logs

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Adding to this, just happend with latest releases.  This time I was leaving the VM guest (not full screen) mouse traveled outside fine, then when hitting the left border after passing through about 2 screen inches  including task bar, thats when it happened where I lose mouse (never appeared on client and could not return back to server) No keyboard input works unless I ctrl-alt-del, and I have full keyboard/mouse at this time, but once I click on task manage, lose of input resumes even though mouse pointer is now present.


I managed to copy the logs from both client and server during this time. No logs where generated by virtualbox during this time, and windows event viewer showed no logs during this time either. Also note I was able to ping from client to server with 0 packate loss and rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.278/0.447/0.755/0.135 ms. I did not have to close/restart synergy as it eventually started working on it's own again but a loss of function for about 2 min.


Please see bellow for relevant logs

==== Server(melkor/    ====
[2021-11-11T13:27:30] INFO: leaving screen
[2021-11-11T13:27:30] INFO: screen "iluvatar" grabbed clipboard 1 from "melkor"
[2021-11-11T13:27:30] INFO: screen "iluvatar" grabbed clipboard 0 from "melkor"
[2021-11-11T13:27:31] INFO: switch from "iluvatar" to "melkor" at 2,643
[2021-11-11T13:27:31] INFO: entering screen
[2021-11-11T13:27:31] INFO: screen "iluvatar" updated clipboard 0
[2021-11-11T13:27:31] INFO: screen "iluvatar" updated clipboard 1
[2021-11-11T13:27:44] INFO: screen "melkor" grabbed clipboard 0 from "iluvatar"
[2021-11-11T13:27:44] INFO: screen "melkor" grabbed clipboard 1 from "iluvatar"
[2021-11-11T14:18:19] INFO: switch from "melkor" to "iluvatar" at 1279,197
[2021-11-11T14:18:19] INFO: leaving screen
[2021-11-11T14:18:49] INFO: screen "melkor" updated clipboard 0
[2021-11-11T14:18:49] INFO: screen "melkor" updated clipboard 1
[2021-11-11T14:18:49] NOTE: client "iluvatar" has disconnected
[2021-11-11T14:18:49] INFO: switch from "iluvatar" to "melkor" at 1,265
[2021-11-11T14:18:49] ERROR: tls error occurred (system call failure)
[2021-11-11T14:18:49] ERROR: failed to accept secure socket
[2021-11-11T14:18:49] WARNING: client connection may not be secure
[2021-11-11T14:18:49] INFO: entering screen
[2021-11-11T14:18:50] ERROR: tls error occurred (system call failure)
[2021-11-11T14:18:50] ERROR: failed to accept secure socket
[2021-11-11T14:18:50] WARNING: client connection may not be secure
[2021-11-11T14:18:51] ERROR: tls error occurred (system call failure)
[2021-11-11T14:18:51] ERROR: failed to accept secure socket
[2021-11-11T14:18:51] WARNING: client connection may not be secure
[2021-11-11T14:18:52] INFO: accepted secure socket
[2021-11-11T14:18:52] INFO: network encryption protocol: TLSv1.2
[2021-11-11T14:18:52] NOTE: accepted client connection
[2021-11-11T14:18:52] NOTE: client "iluvatar" has connected
[2021-11-11T14:19:20] INFO: switch from "melkor" to "iluvatar" at 1279,196
[2021-11-11T14:19:20] INFO: leaving screen
[2021-11-11T14:21:21] NOTE: client "iluvatar" has disconnected
[2021-11-11T14:21:21] ERROR: tls error occurred (system call failure)
[2021-11-11T14:21:21] ERROR: failed to accept secure socket
[2021-11-11T14:21:21] WARNING: client connection may not be secure
[2021-11-11T14:21:21] INFO: switch from "iluvatar" to "melkor" at 1,265
[2021-11-11T14:21:21] INFO: entering screen
[2021-11-11T14:21:22] ERROR: tls error occurred (system call failure)
[2021-11-11T14:21:22] ERROR: failed to accept secure socket
[2021-11-11T14:21:22] WARNING: client connection may not be secure
[2021-11-11T14:21:23] ERROR: tls error occurred (system call failure)
[2021-11-11T14:21:23] ERROR: failed to accept secure socket
[2021-11-11T14:21:23] WARNING: client connection may not be secure
[2021-11-11T14:21:24] ERROR: tls error occurred (system call failure)
[2021-11-11T14:21:24] ERROR: failed to accept secure socket
[2021-11-11T14:21:24] WARNING: client connection may not be secure
[2021-11-11T14:21:25] INFO: accepted secure socket
[2021-11-11T14:21:25] INFO: network encryption protocol: TLSv1.2
[2021-11-11T14:21:25] NOTE: accepted client connection
[2021-11-11T14:21:25] NOTE: client "iluvatar" has connected

===== Client (iluvatar/ ====
[2021-11-11T13:27:39] INFO: leaving screen
[2021-11-11T14:18:33] NOTE: server is dead
[2021-11-11T14:18:33] WARNING: failed to connect to server: server is not responding
[2021-11-11T14:18:34] NOTE: connecting to '':
[2021-11-11T14:18:36] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Timed out
.. repeat of above 2 messages until the following ...
[2021-11-11T14:19:00] NOTE: server fingerprint: E8:A0:<CENSORED>:13:05
[2021-11-11T14:19:00] INFO: connected to secure socket
[2021-11-11T14:19:00] INFO: server tls certificate info: /CN=Synergy
[2021-11-11T14:19:00] INFO: network encryption protocol: TLSv1.2
[2021-11-11T14:19:00] NOTE: connected to server
[2021-11-11T14:19:36] NOTE: server is dead
[2021-11-11T14:19:36] WARNING: failed to connect to server: server is not responding
[2021-11-11T14:19:37] NOTE: connecting to '':
[2021-11-11T14:19:39] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Timed out
.. repeat of above 2 messages until the following ...
[2021-11-11T14:21:32] NOTE: connecting to '':
[2021-11-11T14:21:33] NOTE: server fingerprint: E8:A0:<CENSORED>:13:05
[2021-11-11T14:21:33] INFO: connected to secure socket
[2021-11-11T14:21:33] INFO: server tls certificate info: /CN=Synergy
[2021-11-11T14:21:33] INFO: network encryption protocol: TLSv1.2
[2021-11-11T14:21:33] NOTE: connected to server
[2021-11-11T14:22:01] INFO: entering screen
[2021-11-11T14:22:01] INFO: clipboard was updated
[2021-11-11T14:22:01] INFO: clipboard was updated




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I tried forcing it to happen dozens of times, forgot about it, happendd again and virtualbox wasn't the focus either taskbar or firefox but  I think virtualbox was visable. (but deff was not the focus) 


But then I turned up debug level and again couldn't make it happen, but then finally it did. is there a more secure way for me to send the log, as I think the debug2 may info that shouldn't be on open internet?

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