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1.7.4 worse than 1.7.3, none of my problems fixed

Brian Chandler

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Brian Chandler
1.7.4 is worse than 1.7.3. None of my problems have been fixed (using Windows 10), which include the following: - Mouse buttons regularly stop working on client screens so I have to reboot the server machine, often several times per day. - I am still unable to regularly select text in several programs (Microsoft Outlook being the biggest culprit, sometimes it works, usually it doesn't, similar to problems I was having in previous versions of Synergy). And now my new problem is that anytime I install something on a client machine (Windows 10) that requires administrator permission, that particular client machine dies and I have to restart Synergy on that client machine.
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Tor Slettnes
Ditto here. If anything, v1.7.4 is even more ill-behaved than 1.7.1. I have the Synergy server running on Debian Linux 8+ (sid), with a Gnome 3 desktop, and the client runs on a Mac (10.10). After waking up from powersave mode I'm able to enter my password and unlock my Gnome desktop, but following that it is 'frozen' (no windows receive mouse clicks/keyboard events, though they appear to update fine on their own). The only way to get my desktop back is to press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F1] to switch to a console TTY, kill synergy from the command line ("[b]killall -ABRT synergy synergys[/b]"), switch back to X ([Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F7]), press some combination of [Ctrl]/[Alt]/[Shift]/[Esc] (I haven't figured it out yet exactly), and wait a couple of seconds. At that point I see a flurry of activity as all the keyboard/mouse events I had generated in the meantime are processed all at once. It's almost as if Synergy held onto some sort of a semaphore/mutex blocking further input events. I'm running with SSL disabled - I had nothing but trouble with that as well. I've now reverted back to earlier versions: My Debian box now runs 1.4.6 from the distribution itself (via "apt-get", not the Synergy website), and my Mac runs 1.6.3. Not only does this eliminate the problem above, but magically the various issues with "sticky" modifier keys (shift, ctrl, meta) etc that I had been plagued with recently disappeared as well. I think v1.4.6 on the server is a lot more stable than more recent releases all over.
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[quote="Brian Chandler"] - Mouse buttons regularly stop working on client screens so I have to reboot the server machine, often several times per day. [/quote] Do you actually reboot the server machine? Why not just restart the Synergy service? I am sometimes having issues when I use VMware Workstation and then move to the Mac client the mouse and keyboard stop working, I restart Synergy service on the Windows 10 server machine and it comes right.
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I was able to get 1.7.3 to work with SSL but unless i kept the client open the resource use on my machine was sky high. with 1.7.4 i cannot get SSL to work at all. I have removed the SSL and i am able to connect. Please Fix this.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you James. Been stressed out about this all day. Just saw your reference to disabling SSL and it got me back working again. A fine short-term fix. Thanks again. Kudos.
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  • 1 month later...
Brian Chandler
[quote="Andrew Reynolds"] Do you actually reboot the server machine? Why not just restart the Synergy service? I am sometimes having issues when I use VMware Workstation and then move to the Mac client the mouse and keyboard stop working, I restart Synergy service on the Windows 10 server machine and it comes right.[/quote] Yes, sorry. Often just restarting Synergy will solve this. But it's crazy I have to do it 5-10 times per day.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Andres Garcia1491393140
[quote="Brian Chandler"][quote="Andrew Reynolds"] Do you actually reboot the server machine? Why not just restart the Synergy service? I am sometimes having issues when I use VMware Workstation and then move to the Mac client the mouse and keyboard stop working, I restart Synergy service on the Windows 10 server machine and it comes right.[/quote] Yes, sorry. Often just restarting Synergy will solve this. But it's crazy I have to do it 5-10 times per day.[/quote] This has been driving me nuts, but if I simply do a Stop/Start on the server it resolves the issue for me as well. I think I started seeing this issue around 1.7.1
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  • 2 weeks later...
Alexander Alvarez
I also am having similar issues. I'm running 1.7.4 on both client and server. Have random keyboard and mouse functionality errors. VMWare Console on the windows 10 machine is completely useless as long as Synergy is running. Server is running windows 10 and client is windows 7. Hoping for a resolution soon before I abandon this software.
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  • 3 months later...
Murray Melvin
Has there been any progress on this? I keep hoping with each new version that it will be fixed (or at least improved) but it never is. It looks like the current beta is only enhancements from what I can tell reading the changelog so I haven't bothered with it. I'm using 1.7.5 on Windows 10 Pro (as server) and 1.7.5 on a Mac running El Capitan 10.11.3 (as client) and at least a couple of times a day, I find that I have to stop Synergy to get keys to work right in anything else that captures keyboard input. This includes the MS Terminal Services Client (mstsc.exe), Kaseya's remote access client, and the Logmein Rescue Technician Console. It's really pretty miserable. The only thing that [i]doesn't[/i] seem to be affected is the NOVNC client used by Proxmox but I suspect that's because it's just getting whatever key input comes from the browser and not trying to hook anything special. The affected keys are all modifiers, and the Window key. The most common indicator that it's going on is when I'm RDPed into something and press Win+BRK to get the system properties, and it only affects my computer (not the remote one). Is there any extra info I can provide that would help with debugging / troubleshooting? I'm a software developer and totally comfortable with logging things and producing useful bug reports.
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  • 1 year later...


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