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headless Synergy Server

Thomas Berberich

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Thomas Berberich
Hi there, a headless Synergy Server, which has no Display would be usefull. It's Job should be only to connect Keyboard and Mouse to all Clients, share Clipboard and so on. I think this would be most interesting for Linux based Systems, running for example on Rasperry Pi or similar Plattforms. [b]What is the Usecase?[/b] You have got several Systems placed on your Desktop, but often you don't need all of them, so they are off. To work comfortable you'd like to use your Keyboard and Mouse which are connected to your configured Synergy Server, but this System is also off. So how to work comfortable. [b]Solution:[/b] For example a Rasperry Pi, without Screen which runs as Synergy Server, Keyboard and Mouse are connected to it, and all Systems are Synergy Clients to Rasperry Pi Synergy Server. So you can use every time comfortable your Keyboard and Mouse, on every running System not depending which Systems are running, because a Low Power System like a Rasperry Pi run's as a Synergy Server.
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Aidan Millar-Powell
I agree, a way to have a raspberry pi just sit on the network creates redundancy for all other machines as each one would act as a client. That way if you need to pull the server away nothing will crash.
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Thomas Berberich
Thanks for your Agreement. But my wish is not to have a headless Linux based Synergy Server as Redundancy. The headless Synergy Server should act as a Synergy Server with Keyboard and Mouse connected to it, and all Systems with a GUI will act as a Client. A Rasperry Pi could be a optimal headless Synergy Server, i think.
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  • 2 weeks later...
The idea of a headless Raspberry Pi acting as Synergy server is exactly what I need. I have Apple Mac laptop and Linux desktops, any or all of which may be off or absent, so having a permanently active server would be ideal. My Raspberry Pi on the network is 24/7 because it is my mail server, so it's all ready to go into service, though to really save juice I may need to remember to switch off keyboards and mice when not there.
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  • 1 year later...
Aidan Millar-Powell

Is there any update on this feature? I would imagine this to be fairly high on the priority list, if it isn't then it should be... I would LOVE a headless redundant synergy server in my setup.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 years later...
Steve Worthington

Bumping this again, it's always one of the things that I have wanted.  It basically creates a universal wireless keyboard and mouse for all systems.  

I have often considered adding a Raspberry Pi as the server with a small screen that sits above or below all of my computers.  It would have the server config app running all the time as I would need to edit the client locations on the server often.  I swap the computers around on my desk between dock and peripheral computers on a regular basis.  

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  • 9 months later...

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