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Big Sur (11.0.x) Release

Carey Gister

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When will a release built for Big Sur 11.0.x be available?

I just updated my iMac and I noticed that the icon on the system bar is dark on  a dark background. I can't figure out how to change the background color. Although this is cosmetic, I also noticed that the download page informs me that my version of the operating system is not supported.


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Hello @Carey Gister

We are still working on BigSur build but...we have tested with current available MacOS Synergy version and have not found any issues so far.

Please give a try and feel free to ping me in case of any questions.

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On 12/17/2020 at 1:21 AM, Alexey Pilyaev said:

Hello @Carey Gister and @HJK

Can you please give a try and test with the release candidate version? 

Here is the link https://symless.com/synergy/releases/synergy-1-13-release-candidate-2 and please let me know if this works for you. 

Alexey, the release candidate 2 seems to have solved the issue for me.  The Auto-Hide on startup setting also saves properly and works.  Thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Mitch Claborn

I am having an issue, not quite sure where the problem lies.

My server is Ubuntu 20.04. Client is MacOS Big Sur 11.1.  Both are running Synergy 1.13.

When I copy text on the Ubuntu server and then paste it into an application on the Mac, the pasted text shows up as a bunch of Chinese (or Japanese) characters, not the English that I copied on Ubuntu.

I upgraded to 1.13 and Big Sur at the same time, so it is something to do with one of those. I did not have this problem with the previous versions of Synergy and MacOS.

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Experiencing the same problem. Anyone have a fix or workaround?  it seems to only happen with some apps.. Pasting into terminal or Word and things look OK.. Pasting into iMessage and all Chinese.



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