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How to Drag/Drop?


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V1.7.3 my Server is Mac 10.10 ,client is Windows7 already open ssl, i don't know how to do Drag/Drop. when drag a file to the edge,then the file bounce back ,and mouse move to clilent, nothing happen~ should i press some button if wanna Drag/Drop?
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  • 3 weeks later...
I don't know if it's of any help, but I've just discovered that my drag and drop works, but I didn't know - because it drops to the DESKTOP of the target machine.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Marshall Floyd
For me, I found that drag/drop only worked if I dragged the file slowly near and over the edge. If I moved the file too quickly, then it wouldn't work. It's also helpful to know it goes to the desktop and is not dragged by the mouse anymore.
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  • 2 months later...
Nephi Mitchell
Windows 7 to Windows 7. V 1.7.4 It seems like it's not transferring folders but files it will send, even exe. It sometimes takes a few seconds for it to transfer, but I can't tell if that's based on file size. I can only transfer 1 file at a time as well which may be as designed. But I'm not having to move my mouse slowly like is mentioned however that did help me at first to realize that it was working.
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