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KVM Mode Option


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Noticed that when playing games in full screen mode it will try to switch to the other screen when you move your character. I could easily just Disable Synergy, but now I am finding I really need this to work when I am dual boxing in games. Can a option be added to Synergy that will allow it to work like a Traditional KVM, so you can do a hotkey press and it will lock the Mouse and Keyboard to that display assigned in Synergy. CTRL-1, CTRL-2 ect..

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This has been suggested before. I haven't used Synergy in quite a while (the need for it at this moment just isn't there), but I think (?) in Synergy 1, it's possible to do this? @jml please correct if I'm wrong.

If it's not, then I concur. Great idea!

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  • 6 months later...

I know this is a semi-old topic, however I stumbled upon it looking at other threads. This is a feature in S1, if you enable "Use relative mouse moves" in the server configuration. Afterwards, using "scroll lock" will lock the cursor to whichever screen you are in. If you have/had been playing games without this, I am surprised, I was never able to use the mouse in games without this as it is insanely sensitive, so this also solves that issue. Hopes this helps someone out there...


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