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Can't scroll on client machines


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I believe my emails have been lost...  So perhaps the user community is experiencing the same issue as I am?


Server:  MacPro 10.15.1

Clients:  MacBookPro 10.15.1 and MacBookPro 10.14.6

Synergy2 was a joke.  So let's just focus on Synergy1 (v1.10.3) issues.  Ok, so that might be a bit long, let's just focus on one basic issue.  Scrolling.  


For me, neither a physical mouse with a scroll wheel nor trackpad scrolling works on the client machines.  Having to use the arrow keys in Outlook is frustrating.  Having to use the arrow keys in a web browser is nuts.  Is anyone else experiencing this?  Love to chalk it up to user error!

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Well.... I'm using S2 (the "joke") successfully with a scroll wheel on OSX 10.14.6. Didn't have any issues with it on 1.10 either. If you disable Synergy, does the scroll start to work?

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What sorcery is that!?!?  I couldn't even get it to launch.  Support told me to roll back to v1 and wait for v2 to come back out of beta.  Hmmm.....


If I disable Synergy then I can't connect any longer...  Locally the trackpad scrolling works.  Looking at the log, I do see errors but unsure what is "normal" behavior.  

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No sorcery. I merely muttered the usual magical incantations and presto, S2 worked.

But seriously... if the trackpad / scrolling works locally, then at least we can rule out the mouse and its internal driver. So next, what errors do you see?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well.  Their dev team is aware and this issue in their tracking database.  But not sure if their expected solution will come in v1 or v3...  So.  I guess.  If you have a macOS as the server, don't expect to be able to scroll on any client.  <insert sad sigh>

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