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Synergy and Keyboard Remapping Software


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Which, if any, keyboard remapping software will work with Synergy? I am using ATNsoft Key Manager 1.10 for Windows 8.1 to remap keyboards to a HHKB layout. This works on the Windows 8.1 server, but the mappings do not work on Windows 8.1 or Linux (Linux Mint 17.2 64-bit Xfce) clients. Does anyone know if other keyboard remapping software works with Synergy? For example, does AutoHotKey (AHK) work? Thanks.
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Geoffrey Axon-Eaves
Not sure about W8.1 but on my Mint 17.2 I set the Keyboard under preferences>>>keyboard to get the Mint client to work, but I had to enable English (US, alternative international) to match my UK keyboard layout. This then allowed to use @ and £ which were the 2 issues on Mint using synergy, it appears to be a somewhat hit and miss affair, so trying different keyboard layouts on Mint to find what works.
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Alexander Gordon Taylor
Yes, AutoHotKey works to the extent that I am using it. To be clear, in my case I use a Linux/KDE Host, with a Window 8.1→10 Guest running AutoHotKey. Remappings I have set up on the windows guest with AHK work transparently. I have also had success using AHK to trigger keycombos that didn't immediately work via synergy: specifically the Win+L shortcut to lock. I assume if you had a windows host and guest that each instance of AHK would process its own mappings.
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Geoffrey Axon-Eaves
[quote="Alexander Gordon Taylor"]Yes, AutoHotKey works to the extent that I am using it. To be clear, in my case I use a Linux/KDE Host, with a Window 8.1→10 Guest running AutoHotKey. Remappings I have set up on the windows guest with AHK work transparently. I have also had success using AHK to trigger keycombos that didn't immediately work via synergy: specifically the Win+L shortcut to lock. [/quote] Mine is the other way around, Windows 10 host and Mint as the client, I found this site which helped me solve my specific problem albeit the site refers to previous versions, http://www.deltanova.co.uk/456/ On my Mint box I installed synergy and quicksynergy via synaptic, and just run synergyc at startup, for me all this works as I just need keyboard and mouse usage. [quote]I assume if you had a windows host and guest that each instance of AHK would process its own mappings.[/quote] I would assume so as it would machine specific.
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