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Synergy 1.10.3 Issues


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Hi All (Nick),

Two issues:

1. For quite some time I have had to periodically restart Synergy server as the clipboard (cut/paste) has stopped working. I am using two Windows 7 machines and an Ubuntu mate laptop. I haven't discerned a pattern to it, though it appears to happen following a cut and paste operation. I have noticed this across most of the previous versions and have been using Synergy for many years. I keep upgrading in the hope the issue is resolved to no avail and so thought I would raise it here.

2. I recently upgraded a monitor to a 32" 2560x1440 which I have dual screen on a desktop with a 22" HD (1920x1080) screen. My laptop screen is above the HD screen and the HD screen is aligned (in Windows setup) with the bottom of the 32" screen (such that the top of the HD and 32" screen do not align). The cursor will now exit the laptop screen down onto the HD screen correctly, but will not exit the HD screen up to the laptop screen. If I align the 32" and HD screens along the top Synergy performs as expected (transitioning up and down).

Any ideas gratefully received. 





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Hello Job,

1. When you say you have to restart the Synergy server do you mean that you have to restart the entire server or the synergy service on the server?

2. Which of the screens (22" vs 32") is assigned as the primary screen in Windows?

Edited by JDDoesIT
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Hi JDDoesIT,

1. Restart the server as in open Synergy on the Server machine, click Stop and then Start (bottom right).

2. I have assigned both the 22" and the 32" as primary screens and tested the config. with both setups. Neither worked.


I have the following synergy.sgc config file:

GrimbleMaster = Windows 7 PC with dual screen (32" 2560x1440 to the left of a 22" HD (1920x1080) aligned to bottom)

GrimblePenguin = Windows 7 Laptop with dual screen (2 x 22" HD one on top of other)

grimble.ferret = Ubuntu Laptop

(note: the grimble.ferret <> GrimblePenguin is working, the grimble.ferret > GrimbleMaster is working but the GrimbleMaster > grimble.ferret is not)


section: screens
        switchCorners = none
        switchCornerSize = 0
        switchCorners = none
        switchCornerSize = 0
        switchCorners = none
        switchCornerSize = 0
section: links
        left(0,100) = GrimblePenguin(33,100)
        up(59,89) = grimble.ferret(0,100)
        right(33,100) = GrimbleMaster(0,100)
        right(0,21) = grimble.ferret(0,100)
        down(0,100) = GrimbleMaster(59,89)
        left(0,100) = GrimblePenguin(0,21)
section: options


Thanks for your assistance.




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm still experiencing this issue even after upgrading both the client and server to the latest version. After some period of time, items copied to the clipboard on the client do not get synced to the server. Items copied to the server's clipboard seem to still be copied to the client's clipboard, however.

Server: Centos 7 running synergy-1.11.0-146.stable.b2173efb
Client: Windows 10 Enterprise 1909 running synergy 1.11.0-stable-b2173efb

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've got the same issue between Windows 10 and Ubuntu Gnome 19.10.

Also I have the issue that non-ASCII characters can not be copied from Windows to Ubuntu but vice verse it works without problems.

See also here:


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  • 6 months later...

Quick one on this - I have recently (finally) migrated to windows 10 with latest synergy release and the problem persists here. 

I can't pin down exactly when this occurs - but clipboard stops working and Synergy needs a restart. 

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  • 2 years later...

Since upgrading to Synergy 3 yesterday I keep experiencing the following. See attached vid

Edit: this site won’t allow me to attach vid (too big) so see link


Basically Synergy 3 keep restarting on its own and won’t even stay on long enough to let me quit/kill it. Takes dozens of attempts to finally kill the app in the doc or Activity Monitor. Been a long time user and never experienced this before.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Regarding the OP, it seems that the issue has never been resolved, which is quite annoying. I think it has something to do with copying from a client computer. Not sure exactly, but frequently, I copy something from my main computer, and the client doesn't receive it. It just pastes whatever was still on the clipboard. With Synergy 3, the simplest way to reset the clipboard is to keep Synergy open to the Clipboard settings and toggle the "Text and image copy and paste" switch off and back on. Wait about 2-3 seconds and then it will transfer the clipboard.

Expected behavior would be that whenever I copy something on any computer and activate another computer, it would automatically update the clipboard on that computer, regardless of whether it is the main computer or a client.

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