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Raspbian Buster


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Are Symless going to release binaries for Synergy 1.10.2 for Raspbian Buster (64 bit: arm64)?

I've got an RPi4 on order - and really hoping Synergy will just "work out of the box" (or out of a deb installer package).

Planning on replacing my work Ubuntu laptop with the RPi4 (4 GB variant).

Edited by UnixOutlaw
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Thanks - I tried out Raspbian Buster on an RPi3B in anticipation of receiving my RPi4 - thinking it would be ARM64 - but no!  It's still 32 bit armv7l...

Anyway - the "stock" 32 bit Synergy 1.10.2 deb for Raspbian installed fine (had to run "apt install -f" afterward - but it works)...

I guess we gotta wait months till Pi Foundation release a 64bit O/S.

Thanks for posting the download link for the arm64 deb installer - I might try it out on my Orange Pi Win Plus (hmmm - but that's aarch64, not arm64).

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