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Synergy 1.10.2 Finally Released

Nick Bolton

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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton

After almost 9 months, the next Synergy 1 update is finally here. If you hadn't been following us, last year we made some significant organizational changes. Now, with the company restructuring complete, we're ready to begin a fresh chapter of Symless history.

Read about Synergy 1.10.2

Oh, and it's Synergy's 18th birthday today! (May 13)

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This is so exciting! I'm sad to hear Synergy 2 didn't work out as planned, but also admire when one is able to admit things didn't go the way they intended, and want to start over to do it right. I never updated something so fast. Wishing you and the team all the best!

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I have been unable to install anything over 1.8.8 on any of my PCs, it simply fails to start the service. Windows 8.1, full administrative rights, and this fails again with the 1.10.2 installer as well.I will gladly provide log files, as requested, but this is certainly annoying, as I've wanted to update for some time, and since it has been 9 months since last update, might as well and cannot.


I get the following error when installing image.png.8ede9b68943789225c15bb5b8b53c440.png

But 1.8.8, instantly installs with no issue, so I know it is not permissions, perhaps how the .msi installs and tries to start the service even.


I will be starting my own thread to not hijack this one, but also wanted it known here too. Thank you.

Edited by Onoitsu2
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56 minutes ago, Onoitsu2 said:

I have been unable to install anything over 1.8.8 on any of my PCs, it simply fails to start the service. Windows 8.1, full administrative rights, and this fails again with the 1.10.2 installer as well.I will gladly provide log files, as requested, but this is certainly annoying, as I've wanted to update for some time, and since it has been 9 months since last update, might as well and cannot.


I get the following error when installing image.png.8ede9b68943789225c15bb5b8b53c440.png

But 1.8.8, instantly installs with no issue, so I know it is not permissions, perhaps how the .msi installs and tries to start the service even.


I will be starting my own thread to not hijack this one, but also wanted it known here too. Thank you.

I had the same when trying to install the last version on a windows clean install, fixed it by installing .net 3.5 and the MS Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable...when looked in my system logs there was some dll missing related to the MS Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable

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48 minutes ago, ScotCyGuy said:

I had the same when trying to install the last version on a windows clean install, fixed it by installing .net 3.5 and the MS Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable...when looked in my system logs there was some dll missing related to the MS Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable

You were right on the money with the MS Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable, I already had 3.5 enabled in Windows 8.1. Immediate installation success.

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1 hour ago, Onoitsu2 said:

You were right on the money with the MS Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable, I already had 3.5 enabled in Windows 8.1. Immediate installation success.

Glad I could help...took me some hair pulling to figure out, and I don't have much left to lose :D

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G. James Berigan

Not sure if this was an issue before because I never tried doing it before this version today.

Server is macOS Mojave, client Windows 8.1. If I don't log in to the server's OS, but have the mouse pointer on the logged-in Windows machine, typing goes to the password field on the Mac and not the selected field in Windows.

I got to this state by enabling the screen saver of the Mac, which did the same on all machines as expected. Then I moved the mouse pointer to the Windows machine, tried to search for something in the Control Panel, but the text didn't appear. Looking back at the Mac's screen, it had instead typed the search term into the password field. Entering my password correctly worked and keyboard followed pointer as expected.

If this is a technical requirement that you must be logged in to the server to allow keyboarding on another system, so be it. I just thought it was unexpected so decided to report. I'll expect it now if the situation arises again (probably won't put the system in that state deliberately again).

Thank you for the update. I'd go insane having to always be switching physical keyboard and mouse to access machines on the same desk.

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16 minutes ago, G. James Berigan said:

Not sure if this was an issue before because I never tried doing it before this version today.

Server is macOS Mojave, client Windows 8.1. If I don't log in to the server's OS, but have the mouse pointer on the logged-in Windows machine, typing goes to the password field on the Mac and not the selected field in Windows.

I got to this state by enabling the screen saver of the Mac, which did the same on all machines as expected. Then I moved the mouse pointer to the Windows machine, tried to search for something in the Control Panel, but the text didn't appear. Looking back at the Mac's screen, it had instead typed the search term into the password field. Entering my password correctly worked and keyboard followed pointer as expected.

If this is a technical requirement that you must be logged in to the server to allow keyboarding on another system, so be it. I just thought it was unexpected so decided to report. I'll expect it now if the situation arises again (probably won't put the system in that state deliberately again).

Thank you for the update. I'd go insane having to always be switching physical keyboard and mouse to access machines on the same desk.

This is indeed a limitation of macOS, it does not route keyboard inputs, for security reasons, they are totally intercepted by the OS itself whenever a password field to log on is shown. Mouse being unable to be utilized for this input of the password is free to move about still however.

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Michael Bürger


I still use Synergy 2, on my two Win10 Systems...was that a mistake? It still works fine with me!?

(In fact it connects automatically, when both Computers are on ;-))

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I get constant "There was an error, retrying..." message when trying to start my Synnergy server on my macbook running macOS 10.14

I installed 1.10.2 on both my Win10 client and macbook.

Any advice?

[2019-05-15T12:53:36] INFO: starting server

[2019-05-15T12:53:36] INFO: config file: /Users/edward3/Documents/synergy/synergy.conf

[2019-05-15T12:53:36] INFO: log level: INFO

[2019-05-15T12:53:36] INFO: drag and drop enabled

[2019-05-15T12:53:36] ERROR: failed to create quartz event tap

[2019-05-15T12:53:36] ERROR: process exited with error code: 11

[2019-05-15T12:53:36] INFO: detected process not running, auto restarting

[2019-05-15T12:53:37] INFO: stopping synergy desktop process

Thanks in advance,


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7 minutes ago, EdOfTheMountain said:

I get constant "There was an error, retrying..." message when trying to start my Synnergy server on my macbook running macOS 10.14

I installed 1.10.2 on both my Win10 client and macbook.

Any advice?

[2019-05-15T12:53:36] INFO: starting server

[2019-05-15T12:53:36] INFO: config file: /Users/edward3/Documents/synergy/synergy.conf

[2019-05-15T12:53:36] INFO: log level: INFO

[2019-05-15T12:53:36] INFO: drag and drop enabled

[2019-05-15T12:53:36] ERROR: failed to create quartz event tap

[2019-05-15T12:53:36] ERROR: process exited with error code: 11

[2019-05-15T12:53:36] INFO: detected process not running, auto restarting

[2019-05-15T12:53:37] INFO: stopping synergy desktop process

Thanks in advance,


[Solved] Never mind

fixed by going to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy and unchecking and then rechecking the box allowing Synergy to control the computer.  


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I'm still using 1.8.8. It works fine, and I've never had a problem with it.

Looking at the enhancements, I don't see anything that's of interest to me. (I use the program less than once a week on average, and how 1.8.8 works meets my needs.).

One issue that kept me from updating earlier was that somewhere along the line I read that the new version required that I log into a Synergy server somewhere to use it.

Is this still the case in 1.10.2? 

I guess the only real motivation I'd have to update would involve 1.10.2 being more "secure" than 1.8.8. Is this, perhaps, the case? Thank you.

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Jamie Newbon
On 20/05/2019 at 12:01 AM, JoeyG said:

I read that the new version required that I log into a Synergy server somewhere to use it.

That is the case for Synergy 2 Beta. However for Synergy 1 it does not require an internet connection or for you to login to use the application.

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OK, thanks.

As I wrote in my original comment, 1.8.8 works fine for me, and I don't see anything in the fixes or enhancements that addresses my usage. That is, I really don't see - at first glance - any reason to update.

Just to repeat, is v. 1.10.2 more secure in any meaningful way than 1.8.8?

Thanks again.

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Jamie Newbon
14 minutes ago, JoeyG said:

Just to repeat, is v. 1.10.2 more secure in any meaningful way than 1.8.8?

Looking at the Change Log there are some security updates like the following


  • Updated OpenSSL to v1.0.2o for better security


  • Forced use of TLS 1.2 without fallback method


  • Fixed TLS memory leak on Linux server when using client

So there have been updates to the encryption protocols since 1.8.8 on top of other bug fixes and enhancements.

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G. James Berigan

Updating Little Snitch still causes an error -65541 from Synergy that constantly opens an error dialog and requires force-quitting Synergy to stop for restart. Cropped screen capture below showing the error window opening while it is already open, the alpha shadow around it becoming opaque due to the number of stacked identical windows present. Something Little Snitch is doing while updating boot caches or earlier is affecting Synergy, making it go crazy with this error. I suspect but cannot yet confirm if quitting Synergy before updating Little Snitch prevents this error, but I assume it would. I hope Synergy could respond more gracefully to this.


This was an instance of Little Snitch running on the Synergy server machine. I understand when Little Snitch refuses synthetic clicks on a remote machine in its dialogs as a security measure. This is separate from that.

Edited by G. James Berigan
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This release still hasn't fixed the issue of running Synergy server on a 2018 MacBook Pro. The daemon constantly fails with error code 3 (if I manually specify a network interface) or error 11 if I don't specify one.


[2019-05-28T16:27:44] INFO: starting server
[2019-05-28T16:27:44] INFO: config file: /var/folders/8w/m2z6bzf16x321g5w__k2mr5x3khbws/T/Synergy.E68461
[2019-05-28T16:27:44] INFO: log level: INFO
synergys: unknown error for: en0:24800
Try `synergys --help' for more information.
[2019-05-28T16:27:44] ERROR: process exited with error code: 3
[2019-05-28T16:27:44] INFO: detected process not running, auto restarting
[2019-05-28T16:27:45] INFO: starting server
[2019-05-28T16:27:45] INFO: config file: /var/folders/8w/m2z6bzf16x321g5w__k2mr5x3khbws/T/Synergy.K68461
[2019-05-28T16:27:45] INFO: log level: INFO
synergys: unknown error for: en0:24800
Try `synergys --help' for more information.
[2019-05-28T16:27:45] ERROR: process exited with error code: 3
[2019-05-28T16:27:45] INFO: detected process not running, auto restarting
[2019-05-28T16:27:46] INFO: stopping synergy desktop process


tdknox-mbp:fbcode tdknox$ /Applications/Synergy.app/Contents/MacOS/synergys -c /var/folders/8w/m2z6bzf16x321g5w__k2mr5x3khbws/T/Synergy.K67823 -f -d DEBUG2
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG: opening configuration "/var/folders/8w/m2z6bzf16x321g5w__k2mr5x3khbws/T/Synergy.K67823"
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG: configuration read successfully
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: starting server
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: thread 0x00000002 entry
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type shapeChanged as 4
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG: screen shape: center=0,-1440 size=3663x2640 on 2 displays
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type confirmSleep as 5
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG: starting watchSystemPowerThread
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: thread 0x00000003 entry
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG: opened display
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type error as 6
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type suspend as 7
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type resume as 8
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: creating primary screen
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type connecting as 9
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: binding listen socket
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG: started watchSystemPowerThread
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG: waiting for event loop
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: listening for clients
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type connected as 10
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type keyDown as 11
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type keyUp as 12
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type keyRepeat as 13
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type buttonDown as 14
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type buttonUp as 15
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type motionOnPrimary as 16
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type motionOnSecondary as 17
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type wheel as 18
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type screensaverActivated as 19
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type screensaverDeactivated as 20
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type switchToScreen as 21
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type switchInDirection as 22
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type keyboardBroadcast as 23
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type lockCursorToScreen as 24
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type fakeInputBegin as 25
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type fakeInputEnd as 26
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type clipboardGrabbed as 27
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: registered event type clipboardChanged as 28
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: half-duplex caps-lock off
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: half-duplex num-lock off
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: half-duplex scroll-lock off
[2019-05-28T16:31:57] DEBUG1: screen saver synchronization on
Segmentation fault: 11

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  • 2 weeks later...

I upgraded both my Windows 10 Home 1809 Client and Windows 10 Pro 1903 Server from 1.10.0 to 1.10.2.  1903 has not been offered yet from my Windows 10 Home Client yet.  Both computers are on the same 192.168.x.x network.  The network did not change with the Synergy upgrade.

I had no problem before the upgrade to 1.10.2.  After the upgrade I have to go to the client every day after waking it up from sleep with WakeOnLan and manually start the Client.  Before the upgrade all I had to do was wake up the server and "WakeOnLan" the client and Synergy just worked.  Sometimes I would have to click the "Apply" button on the server but the client always just came up working and connected to the server.  Now after the upgrade to 1.10.2 I always have to get up, go to the client and click "Start" on the Synergy Client.

The Synergy client shows to be running with a Startup Type of Automatic in Services.

Any help would be appreciate.

Steve Brown

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First, happy birthday!  I think I've been using Synergy since very near the beginning.

Second, too bad about Synergy2, I actually like it and it's worked well for me.  But since it's going away, what is the proper way to uninstall it?  I'm going back to the latest 1.x version I guess.

Thanks in advance

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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton
On 6/10/2019 at 9:40 PM, v0rts said:

Second, too bad about Synergy2, I actually like it and it's worked well for me.  But since it's going away, what is the proper way to uninstall it?  I'm going back to the latest 1.x version I guess.

You can follow the first part of this help guide: https://members.symless.com/help/s2-troubleshooting/s2-reinstall

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is there a Phone Number ?????? for immediate help when your Synergy program wont work on either computer ?????? I have Synergy 1 Basic on a Windows 10 system and a windows 8.1 system and have nothing but error messages!!!!!  


[2019-07-05T10:44:16] ERROR: failed to launch, error: process immediately stopped

[2019-07-05T10:44:16] INFO: backing off, wait=10s, failures=17

[2019-07-05T10:44:26] INFO: starting new process

[2019-07-05T10:44:26] INFO: starting new process

[2019-07-05T10:44:26] INFO: activeDesktop:Default

[2019-07-05T10:44:27] INFO: drag and drop enabled

synergys.exe: no configuration available

[2019-07-05T10:44:27] ERROR: failed to launch, error: process immediately stopped

[2019-07-05T10:44:27] INFO: backing off, wait=10s, failures=18

[2019-07-05T10:44:37] INFO: starting new process

[2019-07-05T10:44:37] INFO: starting new process

[2019-07-05T10:44:38] INFO: activeDesktop:Default

[2019-07-05T10:44:38] INFO: drag and drop enabled

synergys.exe: no configuration available

[2019-07-05T10:44:38] ERROR: failed to launch, error: process immediately stopped

[2019-07-05T10:44:38] INFO: backing off, wait=10s, failures=19

[2019-07-05T10:44:48] INFO: starting server

[2019-07-05T10:44:48] INFO: config file: C:/Users/sirhc_000/AppData/Local/Temp/Synergy.of8180

[2019-07-05T10:44:48] INFO: log level: INFO

[2019-07-05T10:44:48] INFO: log file: C:/Users/Topher1/synergy.log

[2019-07-05T10:44:48] INFO: service command updated

[2019-07-05T10:44:48] INFO: service command updated

[2019-07-05T10:44:49] INFO: starting new process

[2019-07-05T10:44:49] INFO: starting new process

[2019-07-05T10:44:49] INFO: activeDesktop:Default

[2019-07-05T10:44:49] INFO: drag and drop enabled


2019-07-05T10:44:49] ERROR: failed to get desktop path, no drop target available, error=2

[2019-07-05T10:44:49] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients

[2019-07-05T10:44:49] INFO: service status: active


trying to get my two computers linked together with Synergy 1 Basic! will not work! I'm in front of my computers "NOW" but I have to wait 24 hrs. for some one to help me but I wont be in front of my computers then!! why is it so hard to get some on one the line to help when you need it, why has customer service gone to hell!!!??? if your going to have a product for the public to use then you had better have an on the spot customer service teem ready!!!! is there any one from Synergy that can answer this dilemma for me??  

Edit: Merged 3 consecutive posts

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  • 1 month later...

Found 2 Bugs today:  (1.20.2)

1)->Display name can be entered with spaces... will give a problem on restart with parsing the config

2)->Starting server and client simultaneously (maybe server a little bit slower) - i managed to get client login(pin) into focus - and could not change back to serverscreen login.... mouse not working - had to type in /login on client machine (focus still on login box) - the mouse was working again and I could log into server machine.

No problem with the bugs - may be you are interested

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  • Jamie Newbon unpinned this topic
  • 3 weeks later...

1.10.2 unavailable to download from "download" page

Could you please share link on it?

I see two mouse cursors in Win10 which running on Parallels Desktop, this issue appeared after upgrade on 1.10.3

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