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Synergy 2 Network Segmentation Issue


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Synergy 2 has issues with detecting network settings when using a firewall instead of a switch or router on the same subnet. We are using PFsense, each machine is on a separate NIC on a different subnet.... won't connect, how isn't there an option to manually define server ips? I get you want to make it more user-friendly, but most users are probably tech-savvy given the use-cases of the software...doesn't make sense. Anyway, how do I resolve this issue. 


Note: Not a firewall, both nics have full allow rules to each other..unless you are trying to use NATing

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Kelvin Tran

Hey, @webbyte!

I've split your issue off into a separate topic for organizational purposes. I hope the title is accurate. If not, just go ahead and edit your post to make any changes to your title as you deem fit.

All Synergy 2 users should also have access to Synergy 1, which allows for the configuration of server IPs as you mentioned. If you need to perform more advanced network configuration, that's the one for you. Synergy 2 doesn't do well when it has to go over a bridge/default gateway to get to its hosts as to find its hosts, I believe it just performs a TCP/UDP (forgot which) broadcast to find systems hosting the service. In the past (S1), they used Bonjour instead.

TL;DR - Use Synergy 1 instead. That would be my recommendation. Let me know how it works out or if you have any more questions!

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