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Raspbian Stretch setup


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I've had Synergy for a while and I am just now setting up my home office with this cool application.

Now I have a few Raspbian devices on my desk doing several things as well as a couple of Raspberry Pi 3's & 2's.

Just for the sake of playing around I tried to install on my main Raspbian Stretch desktop.  It failed.   Something about being an Arm compile.  I can recreate the message if the exact message is needed.  So that got me wondering as to what the optimal Raspbian hardware should be so that Synergy will install.

Is there any guidance that will help me at this point?

Thanks in adance.


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Since Raspberry Pi is on a less-used architecture (ARM), users will have to compile Synergy from source in order to use it. I believe there are instructions available via Google for how to do this.

Some of our users have reported that the Debian installer will work on RPi, but it's quite buggy. Just an option.

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