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Success for a Strange Config in Synergy 2: Win+Win+Chromebook(!?!)

Albert C

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Just wanted to share what may be one of the more ... esoteric .. solutions I've created with Synergy.

I've been kicked out of my office in one building temporarily, but left a Win10 machine there running Chrome Remote Desktop plus Synergy 2.  I've got a laptop with me, also running Synergy 2.

Both machines are actually on the same ip subnet bridged across our internal WAN, but about 4 miles apart...

I'm sitting in a break room in a different building with a keyboard and mouse attached to a Windows laptop, and a Chromebook running Chrome Remote Desktop sitting beside it.  The Chromebook's connected to the Windows machine back in the office.  And I'm working just like I was there -- smooth mouse control, clipboard integration, and even forgetting and reaching to the Chromebook's keyboard works fine for controlling the remote computer.

I did have to turn "Mouse Trails" ON for the mouse pointer to be visible from the remote computer.  I set it to the lowest possible tail length.  (Until I did that, Chrome Remote Desktop wouldn't draw the remote cursor being moved by Synergy.)  It works like a champ. 

Since Chrome Remote Desktop on ChromeOS syncs the ChromeOS clipboard with the controlled machine, I can actually copy and paste from both Windows machines into ChromeOS too by using the Chromebook keyboard, of course, to interact with it.

It feels odd -- but nice -- to move the mouse off of the Windows 10 computer on to the chromebook controlling another Windows 10 box...  I just have to remember I can't actually control the Chromebook itself... :)

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