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Mac server (High Sierra), Mac client (Mojave) Possible?


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I have an ancient iMac (2011) that is still quite good with a new TB SSD that I would like to use as a Synergy server and a brand new MBP with Touch-bar running Mojave as the client. I've seen reports of trouble with Synergy 1 and Mojave but as near as I can tell that report was for a Mojave Synergy server (and Windows client).  I have no Synergy installed on either computer and can install either Synergy 1 or Beta 2. I have run Synergy in a previous life with Linux and Windows but never with Macos.  My questions are:

1) Has anyone tried my configuration and got it to work? (I'm guessing not). I'd love to hear advice from you.

2) If you're a Synergy Guru with experience in both variants, what would you recommend?

3) If you do not fit either 1) or 2) but are Nick Bolton, what would you do in my shoes? :-)

4) For everybody else, I'd love to hear your opinion even if it is only an educated guess and that would be good to know.


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My oh my! Was installing and using Synergy 2 ever easy.  Very impressive.  That said, I am using High Sierra on both computers fwiw. Truth in advertising and all ...

Kudos to the Synergy team.

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And I can now attest to having Synergy 2 running on two Mojave systems. I have no doubt that Synergy 2 will run fine on my original target of High Sierra server and Mojave client.

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That said (Synergy 2 runs on both Mojave computers) I can also attest that if one or both are laptops that occasionally do the laptop thing, i.e. ... travel, and then return, Synergy 2 will reliably refuse to reconnect until all sorts of combinations of machinations take place: Shift-F5, restart computers, fresh reinstall, sacrifice twelve vestal virgins, ... And I see from reading posts that Nick is still urgently working on this issue. God bless him, well into his second year on this one issue. I sincerely hope 2019 is the year.

So I will try to help out here by capturing some sort of script that reliably invokes the minimal magic to get a Synergy 2 configuration synchronized.  If you, the reader, are aware of such a script please do enlighten me. My grandmother and I will be ecstatic! 

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