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Multiple screens

Alex Li

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Hi There, I have a MacBook Pro, an Windows machine, and a Linux box. the MacBook Pro has 2 external monitors attaching to it, the monitors layout is the Laptop screen in the bottom, and the 2 external monitors on top of the laptop screen, which form a " V " shape. The Windows machine has 1 monitor, which is located on the left side of Mac's Top monitors. The Linux box has 1 monitor, which is located on the right side of the Mac"s Top monitors. My question is how to tell Synergy this laptop? I know how to do it with 1 or 2 screens using by the MacBook Pro, but 3 screen with a "V" shape, then I need some help. Thanks, Alex
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Yuya Fujiwara
Let's try to edit the configuration file. 1. Save the configuration file. "File" -> "Save configuration as" . Then the configuration file are generated. 2. Open that file by a text editor. 3. Modify the section " section : links " as follows. This is an example. I supposed that the names of each screen are "mac", "windows", "linux". Change them. You can change numbers as you like. These are percentile of a length of an edge. [code] section: links mac: up(0,50) = windows up(50,100) = linux windows: down(50,100) = mac(0,50) right = linux linux: down(0,50) = mac(50,100) left = windows end [/code] 4. Save it. Remember the path of this file. 5. In the main panel of Synergy on the server machine, select "Use existing configuration : " and put the path of configuration file. 6. Restart synergy. You can find the complete guide : https://github.com/synergy/synergy/wiki ... nfig#links
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Thank you Yuya, The screenshot is only showing the MacBook Pro's monitors setup. the Windows monitor is located next to the left side of the Top monitors. and the Linus monitor is located next to the right side of the top monitors. both Windows and Linux monitors are not showing in the screenshot. I have 5 monitors in total. Thanks, Alex
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Yuya Fujiwara
Alex, Sorry to bother you. [code] section: links mac: left(50,100) = windows right(50,100) = linux windows: right = mac(50,100) linux: left = mac(50,100) end [/code]
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