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Weird Behavior in Fedora


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I'm running Synergy 2 as a server on my Win 10 machine and have another Laptop that runs Fedora. There is a significant decrease to the smoothness of mouse movement as well as the function simply not working at all. The Synergy client on Fedora is attempting to reconfigure itself from time to time. See log below:


Symless User ID: 74378
Profile ID: 77338
Screen ID: 206824
Operating System: Fedora 28 (Workstation Edition)
Synergy Version: 2.0.12-beta
System Name: localhost.localdomain
IP Addresses:, 

[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: profile server changed, 206824->206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=client thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: core process started, id=15349
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v78 other=v78
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] NOTE: connected to server
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 0 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: received clipboard 0 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 1 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: received clipboard 1 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] INFO: entering screen
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v78 other=v78
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] INFO: leaving screen
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v78 other=v78
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:13] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:33] DEBUG: lost clipboard 1 ownership at 2433983
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:36] INFO: found key in group 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:36] DEBUG: lost clipboard 0 ownership at 2437053
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:36] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:36] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:36] DEBUG: ICCCM fill clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:37] DEBUG:   available targets: TIMESTAMP (414), TARGETS (412), SAVE_TARGETS (492), MULTIPLE (413), STRING (31)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:37] DEBUG: added format 1 for target text/html (558) (1101 bytes)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:37] DEBUG: added format 0 for target UTF8_STRING (307) (87 bytes)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:37] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:37] DEBUG: sending clipboard 0 seqnum=5
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:37] DEBUG: sent clipboard size=1757
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:37] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:37] DEBUG: ICCCM fill clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:37] DEBUG:   available targets: TIMESTAMP (414), TARGETS (412), SAVE_TARGETS (492), MULTIPLE (413)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:37] DEBUG: added format 0 for target UTF8_STRING (307) (87 bytes)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:37] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:37] DEBUG: sending clipboard 1 seqnum=5
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:37] DEBUG: sent clipboard size=99
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:39] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:39] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:39] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:39] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:39] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:39] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:57:41] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:22] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:22] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:22] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:22] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:22] DEBUG: ICCCM fill clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:22] DEBUG:   available targets: TIMESTAMP (414), TARGETS (412), SAVE_TARGETS (492), MULTIPLE (413)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:22] DEBUG: added format 0 for target UTF8_STRING (307) (653 bytes)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:22] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:22] DEBUG: sending clipboard 1 seqnum=9
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:22] DEBUG: sent clipboard size=665
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:27] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:28] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:28] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:28] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:28] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:28] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:37] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] INFO: found key in group 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] DEBUG: ICCCM fill clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] DEBUG:   available targets: TIMESTAMP (414), TARGETS (412), SAVE_TARGETS (492), MULTIPLE (413)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] DEBUG: added format 0 for target UTF8_STRING (307) (147 bytes)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] DEBUG: sending clipboard 0 seqnum=13
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] DEBUG: sent clipboard size=159
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] DEBUG: ICCCM fill clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] DEBUG:   available targets: TIMESTAMP (414), TARGETS (412), SAVE_TARGETS (492), MULTIPLE (413)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] DEBUG: added format 0 for target UTF8_STRING (307) (147 bytes)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] DEBUG: sending clipboard 1 seqnum=13
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:39] DEBUG: sent clipboard size=159
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T10:58:58] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:00:20] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:00:20] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:00:20] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:00:20] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:00:20] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:00:56] DEBUG: recv grab clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:00:56] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:00:56] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:00:56] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:00:56] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:00:56] DEBUG: recv grab clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:00:56] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:00:56] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:00:56] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:00:56] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 0 size=55
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: received clipboard 0 size=55
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: add 43 bytes to clipboard 0 format: 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 1 size=55
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: received clipboard 1 size=55
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: add 43 bytes to clipboard 1 format: 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:06] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:01:08] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:02:09] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:02:09] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:03:15] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:04:50] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:05:39] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:05:39] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:05:39] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:05:55] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:05:55] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:05:56] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:05:56] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:04] DEBUG: lost clipboard 1 ownership at 2945155
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:05] INFO: found key in group 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:05] DEBUG: lost clipboard 0 ownership at 2945958
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:05] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:05] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:05] DEBUG: ICCCM fill clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:05] DEBUG:   available targets: TIMESTAMP (414), TARGETS (412), SAVE_TARGETS (492), MULTIPLE (413), STRING (31)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:05] DEBUG: added format 1 for target text/html (558) (4358 bytes)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:05] DEBUG: added format 0 for target UTF8_STRING (307) (655 bytes)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:05] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:05] DEBUG: sending clipboard 0 seqnum=29
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:05] DEBUG: sent clipboard size=7210
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:05] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:05] DEBUG: ICCCM fill clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:05] DEBUG:   available targets: TIMESTAMP (414), TARGETS (412), SAVE_TARGETS (492), MULTIPLE (413)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:06] DEBUG: added format 0 for target UTF8_STRING (307) (655 bytes)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:06] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:06] DEBUG: sending clipboard 1 seqnum=29
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:06:06] DEBUG: sent clipboard size=667
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:07:01] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:09:10] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:09:10] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:09:10] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:09:10] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:09:10] DEBUG: ICCCM fill clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:09:10] DEBUG:   available targets: TIMESTAMP (414), TARGETS (412), SAVE_TARGETS (492), MULTIPLE (413)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:09:10] DEBUG: added format 0 for target UTF8_STRING (307) (1 byte)
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:09:10] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:09:10] DEBUG: sending clipboard 1 seqnum=31
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:09:10] DEBUG: sent clipboard size=13
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: recv grab clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: recv grab clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 0 size=27
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: received clipboard 0 size=27
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: add 15 bytes to clipboard 0 format: 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 1 size=27
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: received clipboard 1 size=27
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: add 15 bytes to clipboard 1 format: 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] INFO: leaving screen
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] debug: local input detected, claiming this computer as server in local network
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] INFO: local input detected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] debug: starting core server process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --server -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log -c /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf --address
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connected -> Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] debug: core process started, id=15513
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] debug: http session read error: end of stream
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] debug: http request failed: end of stream
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: opening configuration "/var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf"
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: configuration read successfully
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: registered hotkey ScrollLock (id=ef14 mask=0000) as id=1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: local profile modified, id=77338
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v78 other=v78
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: profile server changed, 206825->206824
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: add pending events to buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:04] DEBUG: screen "localhost.localdomain" shape changed
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for MININT-GMBGKMA from screen 206825
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] NOTE: accepted client connection
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: received client "MININT-GMBGKMA" info shape=0,0 5120x1080 at -9941,32762
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] NOTE: client "MININT-GMBGKMA" has connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v78 other=v78
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: profile server changed, 206824->206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=server thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206824
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: Error reading from core server: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: Terminating core server read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: skip duplicate connecting status update for localhost.localdomain
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: core process started, id=15516
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v78 other=v78
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v78 other=v79
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: profile server changed, 206825->206824
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=client thisId=206824 serverId=206824 lastServerId=206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: starting core server process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --server -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log -c /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf --address
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: core process started, id=15519
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v79 other=v79
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: opening configuration "/var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf"
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: configuration read successfully
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: registered hotkey ScrollLock (id=ef14 mask=0000) as id=1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: local profile modified, id=77338
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v79 other=v79
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: add pending events to buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: screen "localhost.localdomain" shape changed
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v79 other=v79
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: profile has not changed, no action needed
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v79 other=v79
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for MININT-GMBGKMA from screen 206825
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] NOTE: accepted client connection
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] DEBUG: received client "MININT-GMBGKMA" info shape=0,0 5120x1080 at -9941,32762
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:05] NOTE: client "MININT-GMBGKMA" has connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v79 other=v79
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: profile has not changed, no action needed
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v79 other=v79
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: handling router message: server claim, mode=server thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206824
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: Error reading from core server: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: Terminating core server read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connected -> Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: core process started, id=15522
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v79 other=v79
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v79 other=v79
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:11:06] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v79 other=v80
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: profile server changed, 206824->206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=client thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: core process started, id=15525
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v80 other=v80
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] NOTE: connected to server
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v80 other=v80
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v80 other=v80
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:11:07] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 0 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] DEBUG: received clipboard 0 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 1 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] DEBUG: received clipboard 1 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:12] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:42] DEBUG: recv grab clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:42] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:42] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:42] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:42] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:42] DEBUG: recv grab clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:42] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:42] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:42] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:11:42] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 0 size=27
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: received clipboard 0 size=27
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: add 15 bytes to clipboard 0 format: 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 1 size=27
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: received clipboard 1 size=27
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: add 15 bytes to clipboard 1 format: 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:12:02] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] INFO: leaving screen
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] debug: local input detected, claiming this computer as server in local network
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] INFO: local input detected
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] INFO: entering screen
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] debug: starting core server process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --server -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log -c /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf --address
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connected -> Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] debug: core process started, id=15537
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] debug: http session read error: end of stream
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:17] debug: http request failed: end of stream
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: opening configuration "/var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf"
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: configuration read successfully
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: registered hotkey ScrollLock (id=ef14 mask=0000) as id=1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: local profile modified, id=77338
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v80 other=v80
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: profile server changed, 206825->206824
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: add pending events to buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: screen "localhost.localdomain" shape changed
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for MININT-GMBGKMA from screen 206825
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] NOTE: accepted client connection
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: received client "MININT-GMBGKMA" info shape=0,0 5120x1080 at -9941,32762
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] NOTE: client "MININT-GMBGKMA" has connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v80 other=v80
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: profile server changed, 206824->206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=server thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206824
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: Error reading from core server: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: Terminating core server read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connected -> Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: core process started, id=15540
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v80 other=v80
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: profile has not changed, no action needed
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v80 other=v80
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v80 other=v81
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: profile server changed, 206825->206824
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=client thisId=206824 serverId=206824 lastServerId=206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: starting core server process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --server -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log -c /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf --address
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: core process started, id=15543
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: opening configuration "/var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf"
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: configuration read successfully
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: registered hotkey ScrollLock (id=ef14 mask=0000) as id=1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: local profile modified, id=77338
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v81 other=v81
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: add pending events to buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] DEBUG: screen "localhost.localdomain" shape changed
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v81 other=v81
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: profile has not changed, no action needed
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v81 other=v81
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:18] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:13:19] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for MININT-GMBGKMA from screen 206825
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:19] NOTE: accepted client connection
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:19] DEBUG: received client "MININT-GMBGKMA" info shape=0,0 5120x1080 at -9941,32762
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:19] NOTE: client "MININT-GMBGKMA" has connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:19] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v81 other=v81
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:19] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:19] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:19] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v81 other=v81
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:19] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:19] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:19] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v81 other=v81
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:19] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:19] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: handling router message: server claim, mode=server thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206824
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: Error reading from core server: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: Terminating core server read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connected -> Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: core process started, id=15548
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v81 other=v81
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v81 other=v81
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:13:21] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v81 other=v82
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: profile server changed, 206824->206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=client thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: core process started, id=15551
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v82 other=v82
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] NOTE: connected to server
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 0 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: received clipboard 0 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 1 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: received clipboard 1 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] INFO: leaving screen
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v82 other=v82
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] INFO: entering screen
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v82 other=v82
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:13:22] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:13:41] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] INFO: leaving screen
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: local input detected, claiming this computer as server in local network
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] INFO: local input detected
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] INFO: entering screen
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: starting core server process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --server -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log -c /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf --address
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connected -> Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: core process started, id=15557
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: opening configuration "/var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf"
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: configuration read successfully
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: registered hotkey ScrollLock (id=ef14 mask=0000) as id=1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: local profile modified, id=77338
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v82 other=v82
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: profile server changed, 206825->206824
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: add pending events to buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: screen "localhost.localdomain" shape changed
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v82 other=v82
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: profile server changed, 206824->206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=server thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206824
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: skip duplicate connecting status update for localhost.localdomain
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: core process started, id=15560
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v82 other=v82
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for MININT-GMBGKMA from screen 206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v82 other=v83
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: profile server changed, 206825->206824
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=client thisId=206824 serverId=206824 lastServerId=206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: starting core server process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --server -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log -c /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf --address
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: core process started, id=15563
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: opening configuration "/var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf"
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: configuration read successfully
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: registered hotkey ScrollLock (id=ef14 mask=0000) as id=1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: local profile modified, id=77338
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v83 other=v83
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: add pending events to buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: screen "localhost.localdomain" shape changed
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v83 other=v83
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: profile has not changed, no action needed
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for MININT-GMBGKMA from screen 206825
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] NOTE: accepted client connection
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] DEBUG: received client "MININT-GMBGKMA" info shape=0,0 5120x1080 at -9941,32762
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:17] NOTE: client "MININT-GMBGKMA" has connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:18] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v83 other=v83
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:18] debug: profile has not changed, no action needed
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:18] NOTE: accepted client connection
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:18] DEBUG: received client "MININT-GMBGKMA" info shape=0,0 5120x1080 at 960,540
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:18] DEBUG: screen "MININT-GMBGKMA" shape changed
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:18] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v83 other=v83
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:18] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:18] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: handling router message: server claim, mode=server thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206824
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: Error reading from core server: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: Terminating core server read loop
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: Error reading from core server: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: Terminating core server read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connected -> Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: core process started, id=15705
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v83 other=v83
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v83 other=v83
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v83 other=v84
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: profile server changed, 206824->206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=client thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] debug: core process started, id=15708
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:43] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v84 other=v84
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] NOTE: connected to server
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v84 other=v84
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v84 other=v84
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:14:44] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 0 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] DEBUG: received clipboard 0 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 1 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] DEBUG: received clipboard 1 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:21] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:31] INFO: found key in group 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:33] INFO: found key in group 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:15:38] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:16:02] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:17:09] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:17] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:17] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:18] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:18] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:18] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:18] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:18] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] INFO: leaving screen
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] debug: local input detected, claiming this computer as server in local network
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] INFO: local input detected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] debug: starting core server process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --server -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log -c /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf --address
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connected -> Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] debug: core process started, id=15791
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] debug: http session read error: end of stream
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] debug: http request failed: end of stream
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] DEBUG: opening configuration "/var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf"
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] DEBUG: configuration read successfully
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] DEBUG: registered hotkey ScrollLock (id=ef14 mask=0000) as id=1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:28] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:28] debug: local profile modified, id=77338
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:28] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v84 other=v84
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:28] debug: profile server changed, 206825->206824
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] DEBUG: add pending events to buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:27] DEBUG: screen "localhost.localdomain" shape changed
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for MININT-GMBGKMA from screen 206825
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] NOTE: accepted client connection
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: received client "MININT-GMBGKMA" info shape=0,0 5120x1080 at -9941,32762
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] NOTE: client "MININT-GMBGKMA" has connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v84 other=v84
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: profile server changed, 206824->206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=server thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206824
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: Error reading from core server: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: Terminating core server read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: skip duplicate connecting status update for localhost.localdomain
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: core process started, id=15794
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v84 other=v84
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v84 other=v85
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: profile server changed, 206825->206824
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=client thisId=206824 serverId=206824 lastServerId=206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: starting core server process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --server -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log -c /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf --address
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: core process started, id=15797
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: opening configuration "/var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf"
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: configuration read successfully
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: registered hotkey ScrollLock (id=ef14 mask=0000) as id=1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: local profile modified, id=77338
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v85 other=v85
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: add pending events to buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: screen "localhost.localdomain" shape changed
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v85 other=v85
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v85 other=v85
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for MININT-GMBGKMA from screen 206825
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] NOTE: accepted client connection
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] DEBUG: received client "MININT-GMBGKMA" info shape=0,0 5120x1080 at -9941,32762
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:29] NOTE: client "MININT-GMBGKMA" has connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:30] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v85 other=v85
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:30] debug: profile has not changed, no action needed
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:30] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v85 other=v85
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:30] debug: profile has not changed, no action needed
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: handling router message: server claim, mode=server thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206824
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: Error reading from core server: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: Terminating core server read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connected -> Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: core process started, id=15800
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v85 other=v85
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v85 other=v85
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v85 other=v85
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for MININT-GMBGKMA from screen 206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v85 other=v86
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: profile server changed, 206824->206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=client thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] debug: core process started, id=15803
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:34] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:35] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Protocol error from server. Aborting
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:35] DEBUG: retry in 1 seconds
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:35] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:35] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:35] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:35] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v86 other=v86
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:35] debug: profile has not changed, no action needed
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] NOTE: connected to server
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 0 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: received clipboard 0 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 1 size=4
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v86 other=v86
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] debug: profile has not changed, no action needed
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: received clipboard 1 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:36] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:37] INFO: entering screen
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:45] error: websocket read error 1: WebSocket connection closed normally
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:45] debug: clearing last profile snapshot
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:45] debug: retrying websocket connection in 7s
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:45] debug: closing existing websocket connection
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:45] debug: cancelled websocket lowest layer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:48] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:48] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] INFO: leaving screen
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] debug: local input detected, claiming this computer as server in local network
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] INFO: local input detected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] debug: starting core server process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --server -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log -c /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf --address
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connected -> Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] debug: core process started, id=15807
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] DEBUG: opening configuration "/var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf"
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] DEBUG: configuration read successfully
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] DEBUG: registered hotkey ScrollLock (id=ef14 mask=0000) as id=1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] debug: local profile modified, id=77338
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v86 other=v86
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] debug: profile server changed, 206825->206824
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] DEBUG: add pending events to buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:18:50] DEBUG: screen "localhost.localdomain" shape changed
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:52] debug: retrying websocket connection now
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:18:52] debug: connecting websocket: pubsub1.cloud.symless.com:443
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:02] error: Tray is not responding. Marking it dead
[ Config  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:02] debug: connected to background service
[ Config  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:02] debug: sending uid to service: 1000
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:02] info: Tray process connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:02] debug: setting core uid from rpc: 1000
[ Config  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:02] debug: saying hello to background service
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:02] debug: saying hello to config ui
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:02] debug: retrying websocket connection now
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:02] warning: already connecting websocket
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:02] debug: connecting websocket: pubsub1.cloud.symless.com:443
[ Config  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] debug: service cloud connection error
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for MININT-GMBGKMA from screen 206825
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] NOTE: accepted client connection
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] DEBUG: received client "MININT-GMBGKMA" info shape=0,0 5120x1080 at -9941,32762
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] NOTE: client "MININT-GMBGKMA" has connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] debug: got user auth token: 0Zd1yDsI9Z_KRRxltyPKG9Kw
[ Config  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] debug: current version is update to date
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] debug: cloud client connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] debug: websocket connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v86 other=v87
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Config  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] debug: service cloud connection recovered
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v87 other=v87
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:03] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] debug: handling router message: server claim, mode=server thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206824
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] debug: Error reading from core server: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] debug: Terminating core server read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connected -> Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] debug: core process started, id=15963
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:07] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v87 other=v87
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v87 other=v87
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v87 other=v88
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: profile server changed, 206824->206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=client thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: core process started, id=15966
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v88 other=v88
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] NOTE: connected to server
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v88 other=v88
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v88 other=v88
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:08] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 0 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] DEBUG: received clipboard 0 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 1 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] DEBUG: received clipboard 1 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:09] INFO: leaving screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:10] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] NOTE: server is dead
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] INFO: leaving screen
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] WARNING: failed to connect to server: server is not responding
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] DEBUG: retry in 1 seconds
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: local input detected, claiming this computer as server in local network
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] INFO: local input detected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: starting core server process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --server -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log -c /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf --address
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connected -> Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: core process started, id=15989
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] DEBUG: opening configuration "/var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf"
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] DEBUG: configuration read successfully
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] DEBUG: registered hotkey ScrollLock (id=ef14 mask=0000) as id=1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: local profile modified, id=77338
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v88 other=v88
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: profile server changed, 206825->206824
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] DEBUG: add pending events to buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] DEBUG: screen "localhost.localdomain" shape changed
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] error: websocket read error 1: WebSocket connection closed normally
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: clearing last profile snapshot
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: retrying websocket connection in 15s
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: closing existing websocket connection
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: cancelled websocket lowest layer
[ Config  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:53] debug: service cloud connection error
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:19:58] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for MININT-GMBGKMA from screen 206825
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:58] NOTE: accepted client connection
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:58] DEBUG: received client "MININT-GMBGKMA" info shape=0,0 5120x1080 at -9941,32762
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:19:58] NOTE: client "MININT-GMBGKMA" has connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:08] debug: retrying websocket connection now
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:08] debug: connecting websocket: pubsub1.cloud.symless.com:443
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:09] debug: cloud client connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:09] debug: websocket connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:09] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v88 other=v89
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:09] debug: profile has not changed, no action needed
[ Config  ] [2018-10-09T11:20:09] debug: service cloud connection recovered
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: handling router message: server claim, mode=server thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206824
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: Error reading from core server: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: Terminating core server read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connected -> Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: core process started, id=16022
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] DEBUG: add pending events to buffer
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v88 other=v89
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v89 other=v89
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v89 other=v90
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: profile server changed, 206824->206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=client thisId=206824 serverId=206825 lastServerId=206825
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: core process started, id=16025
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v90 other=v90
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206825 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:20:21] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v90 other=v90
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: profile has not changed, no action needed
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 0 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: received clipboard 0 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: open clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: empty clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: close clipboard 0
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 1 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: received clipboard 1 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: open clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: empty clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: grabbed clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] INFO: clipboard was updated
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] INFO: leaving screen
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] NOTE: connected to server
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: local input detected, claiming this computer as server in local network
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] INFO: local input detected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: starting core server process
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: Error reading from core client: End of file
[ Router  ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: core process exited: exit code=0 expected=true error=Success
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergy-core --server -f --run-as-uid 1000 --display :0 --debug DEBUG --name localhost.localdomain --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log -c /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf --address
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connected -> Connecting
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: core process started, id=16028
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported on linux.
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: opening configuration "/var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf"
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: configuration read successfully
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3286x1080
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: window is 0x02200004
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: registered hotkey ScrollLock (id=ef14 mask=0000) as id=1
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: send screen status update localhost.localdomain: Connecting -> Connected
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: local profile modified, id=77338
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: comparing profiles, id=77338 this=v90 other=v90
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: profile server changed, 206825->206824
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=206824 Connecting->Connected
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: add pending events to buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-10-09T11:20:22] DEBUG: screen "localhost.localdomain" shape changed
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:29] debug: invalid http request to /screen/update: <html><body><h1>408 Request Time-out</h1>
Your browser didn't send a complete request in time.

[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:29] debug: http session read error: end of stream
[ Service ] [2018-10-09T11:20:29] debug: http request failed: end of stream


  • 3 weeks later...
  • Synergy Team

Could you run a constant ping between the computers to rule out any LAN issues?


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