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synergy2 Issues with MAC and Linux Ubuntu

Yasser Shakoor

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Yasser Shakoor

I am using synergy2 from few months and annoying thing is that I have to keep restarting service in start of the day as Linux and MAC

doesn't connect automatically. I have to restart synergy service on Linux and kill all the existing processes on MAC to restore connectivity.

MAC Logs: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/d948dfa44e0e60632e8a5c8b36f39e0f/logs/63145-2018-08-29T10-57-11.log

Ubuntu Logs: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/d948dfa44e0e60632e8a5c8b36f39e0f/logs/63145-2018-08-29T10-55-10.log

The coy paste from ubuntu to MAC works for most application but Konsole terminal copy from Ubuntu to MAC doesn't work. Copy paste gets affected time to time for

different applications.

Please let me know if you need any more details or you want me to debug this further.



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