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Synergy 2 - Quad Monitor Layout Issue

J L Reyes

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Hello everyone, I didn't see a topic on this specifically.

I have 4 monitors in the following layout:

3 4

1 2


1 2 3 monitors are my Windows 10 computer, and 4 is my Mac Mini. I can't seem to get Synergy 2 configured in a manner that allows me to reach 4 from the right side of 3, or the top of 2. As it's set up now, I can only access 4 by going to the right of 2.

Anyone else have a similar setup and can assist?

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Its in beta. Things aren't going to work.
It is bare bones right now. There are no option, you just drag the computer around and hope they work. Go back to Synergy 1 (as their official post says to do) if synergy 2 isn't meeting your needs.

They are well aware of the issues (if you can call them that... it is in beta) with synergy 2.

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