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Synergy 2.0.12 - El Capitan


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I have synergy installed on El Capitan, and it does not recognize the other machines using synergy. Same with other machines, they do not see the computer using Synergy 2.0.12. They are all on the same network. I can ping the machines. I am at a loss what I am missing. 

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On 8/12/2018 at 11:03 AM, godyourestupid said:

I have synergy installed on El Capitan, and it does not recognize the other machines using synergy. Same with other machines, they do not see the computer using Synergy 2.0.12. They are all on the same network. I can ping the machines. I am at a loss what I am missing. 

Three things here.

Firstly, I've moved your topic to "Early Access Beta" because of the alpha-nature of the product that you're inquiring about, Synergy 2.0.12. If you have any issues that are not related to this one, please post another topic to the Early Access Beta forum that all users have permissions to access.

Secondly, by the nature of the words used in this post ("... the computer using Synergy 2.0.12"),  I have to ask whether you're trying to use Synergy 2.0.12 with versions of Synergy 1. If so, please note that this functionality is not natively supported in Synergy due to how the network topology is significantly different in Synergy 2 versus Synergy 1. If my assumption is incorrect, have you tried the common troubleshooting steps that I've noted in my signature? 

If those don't work and all machines involved in the setup are running 2.0.12 or another version of v2, are the other machines detecting each other? If so, please send me the log files of one of the other machines and the machine you're having issues with.

Thirdly, please read the moderation warning message that I have sent to your private inbox regarding the inappropriate and unprofessional nature of your username. Thank you.

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