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Synergy and TeamViewer


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Just wanted to drop this one in case no one else had already.  From time to time I use TeamViewer to connect to one of the machines that is part of my Synergy setup.  Generally, this is not an issue, but if I am not careful and run off the edge of the screen where Synergy monitors it will cause the mouse to jump to the other screen and then get stuck as I am not connected to that other system.  My two ways out of this are to issue a Ctrl-Alt-Del to the system I am on which will snap the mouse back and then to disable the Synergy service so I do not cause that again while remote.  Not a deal breaker, but if it would be possible to put in a detection mode of things such as TeamViewer, RDP, etc so when such a connection exists to disable Synergy might be nice.

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In case you're not aware, you can always disable the Synergy 2 service, by disabling it through the Synergy 2 helper programs taskbar icon. :)

Just click on "Disable Synergy", and it will be turned off until you enable it again.

See attached images for an example.



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I was not aware of that one at all, just got used to doing it at the command line as that is how I usually fixed things when Synergy would get stuck sometimes.  In stuck situations, or when returning from a RDP/Teamviewer session, I had a Powershell script that would run two commands

Restart-Service Synergy

Invoke-Command -ComputerName <name of second pc> -ScriptBlock {Restart-Service Synergy}


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You can also restart the service through the Synergy 2 client.

When you have it open, hit "Shift + F5", and it will restart the service for you. :) 


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