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Enlightenment Desktop Supported?

Michael M

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Has anyone successfully run any version of Synergy with the Enlightenment Desktop on Ubuntu 18? Alternately, could anyone confirm whether it is supposed to be supported?

The reason I'm asking is I have a two-computer setup between Ubuntu and MacOs which appears to connect fine (in both Synergy 1 and 2) but does not switch screens as expected (the mouse remains on the server). Both versions of synergy work fine using Gnome 3 in Ubuntu. Oddly, I seem to remember that the reverse was true when running Fedora--Gnome 3 did not work but Enlightenment did, so I suspect this has to do with whether the OS has opted in to Wayland as a default or not, but this is getting out of my depth. Before I submit a bug report it would be good to know whether I'm inadvertently creating an unsupported configuration.



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WAY exceeding my level of expertise, but here is one more data point:

     I'm running Win 10 with Kubuntu 18.04. KDE. Sorry, I'm MAC challenged.

works flawlessly. 

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Dunno about Enlightenment. I'm successfully running Cinammon on my Linux Mint box as a client from my Mac. 

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Kelvin Tran

Jesus Christ. I'm reading this post and I see all of you Linux gurus talking about an operating system that I know nothing about. :( 

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If you feel you completely understand it and you have all the options under your belt, rest assured you're no longer talking about Linux.

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