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Synergy Buggy After Restart

Colton Raven

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Colton Raven

Hi, yesterday I’ve purchased synergy software for Mac & Pc, and it was working for Milsecond, and my Mac had to restart and after it booted up! It hasn’t been working since, my mouse can’t go over to my laptop pc my Mac is my main Computer, and I’ve been trying to get it to work again all afternoon yesterday and again all day today, I’ve installed synergy 2 because synergy 1 wouldn’t work, what can I do should I uninstall synergy 1 and install version 2?

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Kelvin Tran

Two things.

1.) I've split your post into a different topic, since this references an issue that is not linked to the previous one.

2.) Please provide the error that you saw when it "didn't work". Was this on Synergy 2 or Synergy 1? The way you tell the difference is Synergy 2 is a blue window with green/gray squares for computers, whereas Synergy 1's configuration has more settings. 

2a.) If it was on Synergy 2, please provide the log files by right clicking anywhere in the blue, click Send Logs and provide us with the LINK to the log that it will provide you. 


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