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Where is the configuration file for 1.9


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I've just installed Syngergy 1 and I cannot for the life of me find the persistent configuration file that contains the hotkeys.

I can see in the log that it is loading a config file into/from temp folder...but from where??? The path shown in regedit is not correct, or at least I dont have a .sgc file in my users folder. I understand that you are working on version 2 but really, how about making it consistent just a little bit. Or at least have some sort of documentation -.-'


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Figured out a workaround. use the interactive config tool and when done, take a copy of the temp one linked in the running log file, make the changes you need and then switch from interactive to "use existing" and use the new saved config file. It's such a stupid way to go about it but it works.

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