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Mouse pointer is hidden

Mean Mustard 1982

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Mean Mustard 1982

Hey guys,

Fedora 27

GNOME shell 3.26.2

OS X 10.13.4

Synergy 2.0.9

I have seen this posted across the web regarding when using a mouse associated with a mac laptop, sharing this across Fedora using Gnome may hide the mouse cursor. There is no problem with the connection itself. If I use the keyboard and mouse connected to the Fedora desktop, I can control my mac fine and see the mouse pointer.

To correct the issue, I understand you can set: 

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active false

This is a question more or less for Linux pros. When I try to set this, the config is not present. Has this setting name changed? I see...


I have tried to search for this but most posts are from last year that I can see. What is the correct setting?

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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton
15 hours ago, Mean Mustard 1982 said:

Fedora using Gnome may hide the mouse cursor.

Do you mean that sometimes when sharing from your Mac, you'll randomly lose control of your Linux computer?

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Mean Mustard 1982

I’ll lose the cursor and or mouse pointer. I can copy and paste, but have to use the Linux desktop mouse to paste. Yes. It makes the Linux desktop unusable.

Edited by Mean Mustard 1982
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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton
22 hours ago, Mean Mustard 1982 said:

I’ll lose the cursor and or mouse pointer. I can copy and paste, but have to use the Linux desktop mouse to paste. Yes. It makes the Linux desktop unusable.

This is a known bug. We're urgently working on fixing this. Thanks for your patience.

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